Random media commentary

Discussion in 'In the Media' started by Bliss, Dec 6, 2014.

  1. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    And the director of Jared's charity was arrested in April for child pornography apparently.
  2. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Yes, he had 400 child videos. He tried to commit suicide in jail. Jared said he was shocked at his Charity Director's involvement back then... And Subway kept Jared on...the raid today prompted them to cut ties with Jared for now.
  3. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    I hope he's innocent, and if so, hope he gets his life back. Even being mentioned in the same breath as that kind of business can be the kiss of death. In all fairness, it wouldn't be the first time that a boss has no idea what his underlings are doing with his identity and infrastructure.
  4. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    cosby raping people

    jared involved in child porn

    2014 and 2015 has to be the greatest 2 years in news so far of the 2010's
  5. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

  6. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    The computer forensic team is looking at his computers so if he got hacked then yeah but will the feds really look at him being hacked
  7. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    They have done it before. and jared isn't a poor man. He can afford lawyers if it is a case of being hacked.
  8. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    I know this might be an unfair observation, particular because we're still waiting for what the FBI find,, but noticed his choice in wives. One was a pediatric nurse and his second wife is a school teacher - professions surrounded by children. I'm curious what his Charitable Foundation funded.
  9. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    From what I have read and the stills from the surveillance video, she's saying he jostled her at the bar, and he's saying she called him the n-word. She said he grabbed her so she raised her fist to punch him in defense because he was grabbing her arm ( she missed) and he responded by a punch straight in the face. It's all so messy.
  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    That's really unfair the vast majority of single women are teachers nurses and social workers all professions deal with kids. Its getting to a point where we all have to think 50 steps ahead to avoid future suspicion.
  11. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    The high and mighty are being brought low and the famous are having all of their business thrown into the street, whether guilty or not.

    If he has a defense team worth their salt, you would think so.
  12. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Well l did say it might be unfair. Btw, the kids Charity he funded disassociated from him yesterday.
  13. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    I think Michael Vick is/was an example of that as well.
  14. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    Yep, and Bruce Jenner and every other member of the extended Kardashian clan and the list goes on and on. Maybe what really died in the beginning of this new century is a sense of decency and privacy.
  15. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    All it takes is just accusations these days. Smfh
  16. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    Because now, perception is reality, whether its true or not. In the online age, you can't even pull back and make retractions because it's already out there in the ether.
  17. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    So we're hurdling to a fake sanitized world where truth is pretty much impossible. We are prepping the world for an earth either rife with never ending war or robot dominance. I can see the age of man coming to a close.
  18. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    I often wish that we could dial back the internet age just a little bit, getting it back to the days when it was just tons of sites with information, research and searchable databases. All this social media, e-narcissism and online shock value stuff is definitely affecting society for the worse.
  19. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    There was never a sense of decency.....
  20. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

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