I was doing contract work. Was on a 4 month contract to integrate an external application (that I was familiar with) into a large company's network operations center. After the contract ended I got a job at a new company. A couple months later the company I left called and made me an offer I couldn't refuse to come back permanent.
I swear to God had someone said this from the beginning it would have saved us all a bunch of time lol
When someone can break it down concisely why a WW deciding to be Black and choosing to pass as such is inherently racist, not just racially offensive, maybe I'll bend on this is. But no one can. Now a WW with a tan is racist. A perm is racist. Working for the NAACP posing as a BW is racist. Yes she's reasonably attractive, but that's not why I'm not that bothered by Ms. Dolezal's life pursuit. When you see her talk and try to explain herself, I think her choice to be Black is sincere, if misguided. This is the crazy thing about those harping on her tan. If Ms. Dolezal tanned her skin to look less White, that's okay. But if she did it to look more Black, that's a no-no. LOL. Insanity, although both points of view are practically the same. And no one can tell me which reason motivated Ms. Dolezal to get a tan. Blackface as performance was usually meant to deliberately mock Black folk in the most grotesque way possible in a manner that caricatured their very humanity. BTW people use the phrase 'racially offensive' and 'racist' interchangeably and that's wrong. Some of my friends found Robert Downey's performance in Tropic Thunder racially offensive(I didn't..IMO it was about as close to the line as you can get to doing something really inappropriate in comedy but not quite crossing it), but it definitely wasn't racist. If this..... reminds you of this, ....you're too militant by half.:smt066 Wanna know what's up with Rachel Dolezal?? Read about it below from the perspective of another White person who's gone through a similar struggle, which is the reason I can't understand all the anger directed at her. http://www.patheos.com/blogs/mercyn...hite-ally-has-a-little-bit-of-rachel-dolezal/
The upset is about the lying. It's about fraud and claiming to be someone she is not. The article, while another perspective and someone's opinion which may be of interest, is really not about someone doing the same thing. His opinion does not tell us what's up with Rachel Dolezal any more than any other conjecture out there does. I've been around people like this guy. Some churches are filled with them. There are adoptive parents who are much like what he described. It's possible that Rachel's parents (missionaries and transadoptive parents) are much like this man. There are people who hold up white people who adopt Black children as some type of hero, and some of the adoptive parents hold themselves that way too. Most do not feel that way at all.
It's more than the fraud and dishonesty people are upset about. Notice how quickly people are to say Ms. Dolezal is crazy or has mental problems. The woman is raising two young men, earned a bachelors and post grad degree, worked as the NAACP President for Spokane, yet she's damn near insane. IMO that's all because she CHOSE to be Black. People need to check that. The woman may be borderline delusional but that's far from crazy.
I don't think any of us are qualified to dx her (or anyone else's) mental conditions. Even those of us who may be qualified haven't conducted a thorough assessment of her, so it really doesn't matter. I'm sure many mental health professionals would quickly think of several dx that most likely apply (i.e. personality disorders, etc) . People can be very highly functioning and hold top positions and still be mentally ill. I'm not surprised that people have decided she must be mentally ill, that's the default for many things that come up. People don't take too well to being lied to or feeling that they were made a fool of by believing someone is something they are not.
That very well may be. I can certainly understand how some people feel more comfortable in one group of people over another, whether that be race, ethnicity, interests, background, etc. Maybe even so much so that they would want to be more like them. Just as when people have been upset by biracial or multiracial people not owning all parts of who they are and feel they are denying one (or more) parts of themselves, they are going to be (even more) upset by someone full out faking to be something they are not. People get upset when a Black person is out passing as white, why wouldn't they get upset when a white person is out passing as Black?
There are people who are highly educated and seem well put together and yet are nutcases. This woman perpetuated a FRAUD plain and simple, you can choose to be on her side or not that's your problem but it doesnt change the fact that she went to great lengths to perpetuate a FRAUD. Some people are bringing up the fact that there are white people who have been very involved in the NAACP but the question is did they lie about their race?
Your arm must be tired from all that reaching. You keep boiling it down to she just got a tan and permed her hair when it's far deeper than that. If you feel such affinity for a certain culture why lie so damn much? To the point where you're denying your biological father and having your brother lie to keep your bs intact. There's no problem identifying or caring about a culture you weren't born into. Not to mention she's giving talks on bw hair and the struggle behind that, she's making false discrimination claims, suing Howard because she feels discriminated as white person. Fam she couldn'task the simple question are you African American. I think you know you fucked up now you're doubling down extra hard.
Exactly. I don't understand the discounting and dismissal of this. Nor do I see how bringing up the others equates or excuses what she did in any way.
Because some people are truly honored that a white person would actually choose to be black of their own free will.
If I followed this circle jerking then the same could be said about my mother who talked about Santa Claus and "went through great lengths to perpetrate" "fraud." Sounds ridiculous? Good. So does this belief that anyone who says something that isn't true is a bad person. That belief is the only leg your point of view has to stand on and yes it is weak.
Negro wtf are you smoking. It's not like she lied about her weight on a dating site. She constructed a fabricated back story, lied about her family, made false discrimination reports, and had no problem claiming white when it suited her. The fact you're conflating this with lying about Santa shows me you know you fucked up and are now doubling down.
The Howard suit happened before she started pretending to be black right? You are acting as if she changed her race from day to day. Stick with the facts.