Race is a social construct unlike gender. Once they prove that we are not the same species or that the races had different origins, then the topic should be revisited. I'd give her the benefit of the doubt considering there is no evidence that she profited from her new identity or used it to hurt people. There are plenty of wicked people in the world I'd rather they suffer consequences instead of someone simply doing the best they can to make a difference while suffering through their own imperfections. That's just me tho. I only want the broken shit to be fixed. Maybe she could use a shrink.
I could care less what you report me for, this isn't my life. You've always put yourself before your child, it's on the internet for everyone to see if they know your real name. I'm having a great fucking day with my sons and can't nothing change that. You say go away but you all up in MY threads. Honestly I have no problems with you, 0, I Just hate that you can't admit you love the drama and you put on this fake ass persuade because of the poor background you came from. I appauld you for your charative work and I applaud you for making your seed number 1 like your supposed to. I honestly wish you the best but at the same time, stop being so fake. I hAve a bit of a following online because of my infamy so I'm sorry that people tried to get at you via ya job, I didn't condone it and scolded them for it. I'm sorry for all the grief I've caused you, I really hope we can put our differences behind So we can no longer drag the forum down.
i am quoting you just so everyone can see that you just admitted to having something to do with calling my employer...you are a fucking sick bastard now leave me the fuck alone or you are going to see just how much you have to lose you fucking asshole
You made a lot of enemies online, I'm sorry you can't see that. I never sicked my wolves on you. They made that decision themselves. You can't make me lose any thing because all your info is online where mines is not. Let's say you did dig up current info about me, I could be fired and become employed at McDonald's still affording my children's mortgage and my girlfriends rent, whereas you cannot. I'm waving the white flag, this war is very tired.
i'm done...you win...you happy...i'm out...i will never return to this place because of crazy people like you...it's not worth it...you try to fuck with me or my life and i promise you that you will find out just how much you have to lose and it won't be some minimum wage job at mcdonalds
Cool, so we on the same page. You fought a lot of obstacles to get where you are, you deserve it. I'm proud of you just like everyone else I am around Here. I can't do anything about other people getting in contact with your employer but I have disassociated with them, I never agreed with fucking with another man's money. Sorry it happened to you, I can relate unfortunately.
guilt by association...you know who did it...i want a name or you are going down for it...we are not on the same page...you are nothing like me...you have a fair amount of haters yourself dude...which is why you are in the regret thread trying to apologize to gemini
Lol best post you ever put up respect lol Now what's funny is no one has yet to answer why is it OK when black and Latina chicks say it to me in bed. Can't wait to hear this explanation.
Maybe with bw it wouldn't be as frowned upon because the word belongs to you both? Idk. You know this isn't my thing. White women just are not on your level with regard to that word imo. You know I love my guy more than anything but even if dude begged me, I'd seriously be like I love you WAY too much to ever use that word with you. Him using it with friends is completely different than his ww using it towards him. He has a mexican friend who uses it around him without issue. To me, it's not for white people to use.
Wow....l never knew how obsessive and depraved he is. So you were right back then when you accused him and he acted like you were lying. You need to file a police report for harassment. That gets the investigation rolling. I'm so sorry Lippy, that he would conspire with others to stalk and intimidate and harrass you. Get their names. Sue. Restraining orders...shut the stalking creep/s down.
Very very disturbing. I am wondering who these people who he says follow him are, because how would they even know Lippy. So either they are also members here, or were instructed to stalk her job with information provided to them...someone fed them the personal information about Lippy. Also Webbie must be informed of what he orchestrated for liability reasons at the least
I hear you my current gf would never say it either especially since her niece and nephew are biracial. Maybe that has something to do with why you would never say it
I never post personal info on the web and I rarely give it out to people I have on private messengers You just never know......
Someone repped me once with all her personal info. Maybe webbie can find out who? It was anonymous obviously but I'm sure he can get past that!