The only thing to make a person change deeply held beliefs is either their own decision to or a crisis event that forces it upon them.
And you know damn well if the same had happened to a white kid it would have been handled VERY differently. If the situation was reversed and it was a Black cop who lost it and jumped on a White teen girl I'd have to wonder if the cop would still be breathing.
hopefully not too late! I mean it's a small suggestion... I'm wondering if it's been floated or applied on some degree. ... just something private, away from the cameras, between members of the community. passions are high so it's understandable why it's difficult. But luckily nobody was killed. So it could be an opportunity.
Of course not. His "fellow" officers would have turned him over to the lynch mob that very night. Crises can and do force people to change. It's not easy, but it can happen. As much as these incidents piss me off, I know that blowing up right back at them changes nothing. Witness the frenzied, frothing at the mouth discussion online. People sound like they're arming for Helter Skelter.
This is what happens when you give everyone a voice The internet is like the fucking walmart of technology
Won't change a thing. People sleep eat and get warmth from their ignorance. I was attempting to explain to a well educated friend that global warming isn't a hoax but at this point I think I've explained 2 +2 all I can. Just let the chips fall where they may.
Its gettin hard out here for a pimp
I hear you on this one. I have otherwise sane friends who are convinced that, simply because global weather occurs in cycles, that there is no such think as human-induced climate change and environmental impacts. I just point to the Cuyahoga River catching fire or the BP spill and say "So mankind's actions have no impact on the environment, huh?" The North Miami principal was fired more because his comments were linked to his position and affiliation, than simply the content of the comments, I think. He has a right to say whatever he wants, but I don't think the school wants him representing his views as the views of Dade County Principal Alberto Iber, per se.
I know this is an emotional story, but what kind of society are we transitioning to when giving your 'clean' opinion leads to you losing a job or something I agree with Orejon tho in the sense that the people he works for/represents, don't want to be seen promoting a guy with the UNPOPULAR view It's like the people who disagree with this Caitlyn jenner madness being slammed by the media/left for having their own thoughts about something Toleration is bullshit if it only goes one way
I'm not in favor of canning people for having their own opinions (as if they aren't still going to hold them privately anyway), either, but I read a great article on AlterNet responding to Jerry Seinfeld complaining about PC attitudes. While not an exact parallel with losing your job over something, it basically said it's only when white males lose their exclusive domain and prerogative that concerns about free speech become an issue, and that this isn't a case of speech, but of greater democratization in public discourse. In previous times, other groups never had the freedom of speech that the offended are claiming is being violated and that those in power (read: on the authority side of any given issue) have trouble adjusting to the new reality. Just some food for thought.
Public vilification in the black community and publicly hailed in the white community, followed by a lucrative pundit/consultant position on Fox.
Sounds good to me, let me record this youtube clip Daddy needs a new pair of Jordans Seriously you think the administration would yank him for siding with the unpopular opinion.....or would they have more to fear from the public, for removing a black guy from such a position over a matter of thought
I think the administration/power structure agrees with the sentiments and there wouldn't be much public support just b/c of his race. The school hierarchy just wants to avoid controversy and continue to extract benefits from the system. I think he'd be yanked. I mean, if they didn't give Cosby a break, who would care about a random school administrator?