I don't wish him to come to any harm (physical harm, anyway) but I think that most of us are judging him, myself included. I have no problem admitting that I'm judging the ever-loving fuck out of this guy. When I was younger and my parents punished me or my sister, they didn't do it in front of an audience. They did it in the privacy of their our home which is the way it should be. Even if I were growing up now I still doubt that my parents would have taken to Facebook, Instagram, or some other social media site to broadcast it to the entire world. That just seems like common sense to me but apparently not all parents see it that way.
Being yelled at in public is one thing. Having that public yelling videotaped and uploaded to social media sites so that the millions of people, including classmates that I have to see every day, can watch it over and over again? Nope, that has never happened to me.
I do definitely understand and agree that social media should not have been the outlet this parent should have used. Public shaming children in general is wrong, I would never do it myself as a parent. Especially not online, where our children and their peers will be able to view, share and torture each other. I just don't want to cast judgement.
Heartbreaking. She was at such a tough age, and too many parents fail to remember or realize (for the lucky few who didn't go through hell at that age) how miserable the middle school years are for most kids. IMO those are some of the most vulnerable years for kids, and they need a lot of support and encouragement, even when they're acting out. It's often tough being a parent to preteens & teens (I'd take the "terrible twos" over dealing with teenagers any day, lol), but parents have to do their damnedest not to let that get the best of them. Sometimes I think parents forget that teens are still kids and expect them to think/feel/behave as though they're more mature than they are. I don't agree with the public humiliation approach at all. I think it's cruel and destructive. The ones who should be ashamed are the parents who do that crap to their children. I can understand being frustrated and at wit's end, but publicly shaming them is never the way to go. Yes, there are some parents who are abusive assholes, but there are also a lot of parents who are just stupid enough to try something they think might work without having sense enough to consider the possible consequences. It sounds like this guy was just a clueless screw up who thought he was doing the best thing in the situation. Do I think his choice of punishment may have had anything to do with her suicide? Yes, I think there's a strong chance that it pushed her to that final breaking point. However, I also think there was a whole lot of other angst & pain going on in this girl's life that contributed to her suicidal feelings as well. What he did was wrong, but, unless he was a just a sadistic & abusive asshole, further punishment is unnecessary; he'll be suffering for this for the rest of his life.
Joke if u want but people have been killing themselves over name calling Then...either the person who committed suicide is humiliated for being weak or the person slinging insults is viewed as evil and deserving of harsh penalty
That's the most important thing to remember, by far. People that age are just learning how to deal with their problems in a responsible way (if they're lucky), while dealing the nightmare of hormones, physical changes, emotional development, peer pressure, and everything else that comes with being a teenager. What seems minor to an adult who has the benefit of life experience can be absolutely devastating to someone who is less mature. What happened here is a perfect example.
Apples to oranges. Yeah because it's common knowledge that shaming your child for misbehaving can drive them to kill themselves.
Cutting off a young teen girl's hair is probably one of the cruelest forms of punishment you can do and probably isn't far off (in the girl's mind) from taking a razor blade and slashing up her face. Much of that girl's self esteem, what little there was, was probably tied up in her appearance and her hair. Why would her father choose a punishment that not only attacked her self-worth and self-esteem, but compound it by putting it up on YT???? I know grown up women who would lose it if some jerk cut off their hair in the middle of the night. By cutting his emotionally traumatized daughter's hair off, this fool basically told her she was WORTHLESS. Thanks dad. How is this man anything but an emotional sadist??? Think about it, do any of you know a father who punished his daughter by cutting off her hair??? What was she being punished for anyway??? This man didn't deserve to have a daughter and in a twisted way it's probably better she was taken away from him. If you abuse someone to the point they feel their only escape is to take their own lives, IMO you deserve jail time. Fuck what he's going through emotionally, he brought that on himself. His daughter's DEAD because of his own cruelty. Let him feel like a POS behind behind bars for a couple years and experience the daily public shaming of inmates hating on him because he basically 'killed' his own daughter.
Once upon a time they used to torture, maim and kill people for offenses/sins that didn't result in a death or real harm.......like for being homosexual
That's tough. Whether it was his shaming her or deeper mental health issues, it doesn't make it any easier.