is it good to be the submissive wife

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by goodlove, Mar 24, 2015.

  1. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Really? Normally a woman is more entitled to your wealth if you marry her. Mate access and sex can easily come from concubines and any other women on the side.
  2. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    Polygamy flowed from having concubines, as well as ways to protect widows of deceased male relatives. In terms of concubines, wedding one was how you legitimize the heir and pass along property, particularly among the Abrahamic faiths. Eastern faiths usually reserved marriage for union between families for political/social purposes and concubines were a sign of social prestige.

    As far as a woman being entitled to your wealth if you marry her, that is a modern vintage. Women weren't allowed to inherit anything. It was under the control of the eldest son, husband's brother, etc. A woman being allowed to control property was the exception, not the rule, in the ancient world from which polygamy and gender roles/rules originate.
  3. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    I'm just here to see how many times the word concubines is used
  4. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    Concubines, concubines, concubines! :p
  5. K

    K Well-Known Member

    No it's not. Did you watch the show? The article is skewed and it is much like the first article posted in this thread. It showed couples who are living this way (and one couple who is in the process of shifting into it) and while I may not agree with all the specifics as they described and were implementing, it definitely is in keeping with their beliefs of what it is to be a submissive wife.
  6. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    lol. stop had nothing for the convo in the first place. not phased by the twat jab....dont know what means.
  7. free816

    free816 New Member

    Just gonna sit back and watch you destroy this age old bullshit, it's 2015 suppose to be in a enlighten culture not holding on to obvious slanted laws designed to keep women 2nd class
  8. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    women also get alot in the divorce cause they really couldnt have jobs but thats no so now. women get custody of the kids simply because they are women

    we are talking dating and relationship habits that is universal

    any man and any woman will tell u they want men to take the lead.

    theres a difference between being a leader and a dictator.

    we understand there are dudes and women that will take the submission thing way to the left .

    the pt that needs to be made....

    if u really think on it men carry the biggest byrden of being held respobsible for what happens in the home....financially, the conduct if the kids, and romantically (i will show u atticles on that) and everything overall.

    they are called out if crap goes wrong.

    Last edited: May 18, 2015
  9. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    Lolll I'll help you old man...

    1) A derogatory term for a person whose behavior is considered to be extremely or intolerably ignorant, obnoxious, offensive or moronic.

    Gotta love petty :p
  10. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

  11. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    sure there have been and still are. the thread is about relationships (dating/marriage)
  12. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    trust me if dudes could have a concubine....

    they would
  13. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    still not offended


  14. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

  15. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    I think it's critical when it comes to faith. If God has a plan for my life or my husband's life and we're not spiritually yoked and serving the same God, that could cause serious issues in the marriage. One of the reasons mine fell apart.
  16. free816

    free816 New Member

    I know that my entire point is if you don't think it's rigged? Toward men by men for men then i don't know what to tell you,
  17. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    oh trust me i get what yall are doubt.
  18. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    I know that's what you believe, Ore. The Bible says that Jesus is the Word (of God) in the flesh. His life affirms what was written and what was written affirms His life and mission. There are hundreds of prophecies in the Bible pertaining to Christ and He fulfilled them all. Yes, men wrote the Bible but they were inspired by God. I know this is not something you embrace and that's fine, but that doesn't make it untrue. (And I'm sure you next thought will be that just because I do believe it doesn't make it true. Lol.)

    I lived this philosophy and it works. And those who know me personally (some from this forum) will be the first to tell you that I don't lay down and take crap. I speak up for myself, I don't suffer in silence and you won't mistake me for a doormat. I don't care what kind of scenario you bring up, there has to be a structure for things to operate smoothly, whether it be a business, a friendship, a church, whatever. Things won't work if everyone is in charge or no one is in charge.

    My family, growing up, is a perfect example of why women shouldn't be in charge. Lol. My mother's manipulations ran my dad, ran us and ran the home and we've all paid dearly for it. I look back and wish my father had stepped up and taken the leadership role in the home.

    Men and women were created to be different and to play different roles and I revel in those differences. I like being soft and feminine and being a woman! And I believe in the family structure as described in the Bible. But just as the woman is commanded to be submissive, the man is commanded to love his wife as Christ loved the church, even laying down his life for her. And that's where it often goes wrong. Abusive men like to pretend that command doesn't exist. The woman who is lucky to have a husband that also takes his command seriously finds it much easier to submit to her husband because she knows he has her best interests at heart. You don't even have to practice a faith to love that way.
  19. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    Does my example of the Proverbs 31 woman sound like a 2nd class woman? I can introduce you or point out to you MANY women who live this and you would not mistake them for 2nd class citizens. They are strong, sweet, loving, moral, successful women of God. The Bible is full of examples of submissive women and not one of them could be considered less than the strong, courageous, God-fearing women that they were. Then you have connivers like Jezebel and Delilah and Potiphar's wife who didn't respect men/their husbands.....what a mess they made.
  20. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    the last three belongs in the karrine steffins thread or the women to avoid


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