nothing new here and with the world to see, England wouldn't dare strong-arm those guys to remain
........... and they will probably end up being richer than England ( per capita of course) as did Ireland. Interesting changes ahead, but its not voted on yet.
Yes that is right,not voted. But does anyone live in Scotland on this board that knows how popular this move is?
If Scotland breaks up with the UK what would be their main currencey? Are they are going to join the EU? Also,if the US and major nations would recongize this state?
Probably the same currency. They are already in the EU via Great Britain but would probably have to reapply if they wanted to join if independent. Same goes for NATO etc. Why wouldn't US etc recognize Scotland, it is already a recognized country that has their own government. I really don't think any country except England really cares if Scotland is completely independent. Why would they?
Scotland has already said that it wants to adopt the Euro as theirr currency. Of course other nations would recognise an independent Scotland. But it would have profounfd implications for other kingdoms of the UK, like Wales and Northern Ireland.
I live in Wales but I do know a little about this, from what hear this movement has real legs but at the same time there is also a strong pro UK counter argument as well in Scotland. Westminster though is I think calling bluff, its all or nothing from their point of view. At the moment they are only going to consider a vote for Scotland having full independence but not a vote for greater powers for the Scottish devolved government.
Scotland is just doing this in order to claim Andy Murry for themselves now that he's a grand slam champion
It's not going to happen. I hope. It's mainly backed by the SNP who I definitely don't vote for. I think the majority of Scots would choose to stay in the UK. (I'm Scottish)
Its a big if that the Eurozone will even let them in, god knows what state the Euro will be in even if Scotland gets her independence. What I don't understand is that the SNP is head banging about independence but is then going take orders from Brussels and possibly the Germans if Merkel gets her way. Another thing for the Scots to consider is that is Halifax Bank Of Scotland and Royal Bank of Scotland banking groups received BILLIONS of pounds in tax payer funded bailouts, England will demand some of that money back.
Not happening anytime soon just like Northern Ireland wont be breaking away to join the Republic of Ireland or the UK abandoning monarchy. It just not gonna happen.
We will see how much support the Scottish nationalists get in the UK elections this week. I think another referendum will be called in the next few years. Also there is a rise in English nationalism too.