Bingo, as if on cue, here come the TV interviews ticking all the boxes you mention above. It's ALWAYS the same narrative, over and over, the poor, exhausted, inarticulate, single Black mother with "6" kids portrayed as valiant, and always the implication of the absentee (read irresponsible) Black father.
How long have you been a parent? Mother? Do you have any experience with your child putting themselves in a dangerous situation... what you are seeing from that mother is fear not's different than being at home and having an argument with your child...she saw his dumbass on TV...ran out of her house...put herself in a dangerous environment to get him out of the looks of those riot videos this woman is the only mother that shouldn't be bailing her kid out of jail GMA did a segment on this today! No mention of the flame starter Dr. Drew looking to create drama...they had on two doctors one white one black and they both said this woman did the RIGHT thing. No mention of the angry black woman scenario...that crap just pisses me off...
So doing the same. You go get your son. Period. Not one person in this nation has called her out as being abusive in that circumstance, except here, lol. Smh. It's like if someone just shot someone, it's murder, but if you shoot someone breaking into your home, it's self defense. The circumstances count as to why she was dragging his resisting butt home. He was gonna get arrested or could have killed a cop or gotten killed. No parent would sit idly by.
Speak it, Lippy. He's just trolling the subject. His mom would have him by the ear in the same circumstance and he'd be thanking her, lol.
A bunch of HSers aren't wilding out because of police brutality. For most it was just an excuse to act out. Much like the motivation of flash mobs where hundreds of kids show up at malls and randomly steal shit. Why?? I'm sure if you live in that 'hood as a young Black person there's a lot of seething anger and resentment just beneath the surface. But this isn't the first time a young Black man has been killed in Baltimore City and no one rioted then. People need to be really careful about justifying violence and riots in poor neighborhoods. It's another form paternalistic racism; those poor Negroes can't help but act out violently. It's in their NATURE. That mother considering the circumstances IMO was justified in doing whatever she had to do to prevent her son from participating in some stupidity and risk being arrested or shot. I still fail to see how the cops severing the spine of an innocent BM requires people breaking into businesses to steal. That's the rationale of a terrorist. Allowing a bunch of kids to lead some kind of protest movement as if they know what they're doing is stupid. THere are better ways to get media attention than burning down buildings. The Black Panthers created fear and angst in White America with WORDS, not actions. The threat of violence sometimes is more effective than violence itself. When you burn shit down you set yourself up rightly for being called a thug. If you'd asked any of those looters or rioters why they were doing what they did, I bet you'd hear a lot of nonsense BS.
To be fair - part of the conversation had to do with the cause and what goes on before that point. Did you watch the clip? It's actually 2 black women (therapists or whatever) talking with Drew about their takes on it all. The point on this thread was brought up because we know it comes up sooner or later. It's just like anything else - it's an analysis after the fact and it's really easy to say how this or that was done correctly and this or that was not. They weren't demonizing the mom, they were speaking to the fact that there is a lack of resources and the break down of family structure. At some point, we as a society, really do need to address these issues. You can bet I would be down there dragging my kid out of it too by whatever means I needed. That doesn't mean that there isn't some validity to the need to look deeper into things and where the rage and violence comes from and how to change that. Oh and by the way - someone said something about if in another situation a mom slapped her kid like that she wouldn't be arrested. She certainly would here, no matter the age of the child.
as far as what they think...f@@# em. i would do the same as she did. if any stereotype played was the riots popping off. as soon as the riots broke out they were saying "see they cant control themselves" despite the fact that people riot over beer, the superbowl or other sporting events. to me she put shame on the other parents who didnt get their kids.
Mom speaks... "That's my only son and at the end of the day, I don't want him to be a Freddie Gray." Toya Graham Her interview.
It seems that those who cheer for that woman will not help and only just confirm their stereotypes. Talk is cheap. Those right wingers and other put a kickstarter post and fork over some dough. On the people who said violence breeds violence then they never tell that to the White cop's face.
i want clarification. i dont like to assume. example clarify the following 1 "those who cheer" statement. do he mean that those who support her going to get her son should pay her? 2 should she not gotten her son? 3 what stereotype did she display? im not concerned about the cops point...we know that.
I funded the chef at the SAE house ...did you? or soulthinker? talk is cheap and accusing others is not the answer..put up or shut up
Actually just gave some money for Nepal. I wouldn't know who to send money to in terms of Baltimore. Same with the Ferguson situation. It's a little confusing.