God...if people didn't bitch I'd have to get a real job or something else productive and I'm not having that at all.....
Timeline: List of recent sorority and fraternity racist incidents http://college.usatoday.com/2015/03...ent-sorority-and-fraternity-racist-incidents/ Faantastic and upstanding citizens of society
I can't figure out how to show it here other than just the links. The apology video today http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2015/03/25/levi-pettit-oklahoma-university/70448880/ I found the following interesting. It's an analysis by Dr. Drew, some of his coherts, and a body language expert http://www.hlntv.com/video/2015/03/25/ou-sae-frat-member-levi-petitt-public-apology
^^watching this guy attempting to "apologize" is just funny to me for some reason. Don't ask me why; it just is........LMAO!!!!!!