Somebody put this guy in the next Avengers movie. 'Cause dude is my new hero. How many of you would be brave enough to do this knowing how things are, today? [YOUTUBE]DreP6XrI7ts[/YOUTUBE]
God I love an educated man who can hold his own under pressure. I'd be scared shitless if my guy did what he did though. Doesn't take much to get shot these days. *A little rain-x on that dudes windshield wouldn't hurt. Ijs*
I showed this to my girl and she said damn near the same thing you did. Except she turned to me and went, "Don't you do that. When you get back behind the wheel, don't even think about trying that. Theyll kill you as soon as look at you." It's good to know your rights in these situations. I know I know mine. But, exercising those rights can get a Brotha' beaten or killed. The public at large will actually do something about it the first time some innocent, squeaky clean white kid gets killed and media latches on to it. Until then it's open season.
Had that officer back-pedalling! What happened in the end though? Did the officer come back? What did he say? The outcome?
Yup. An expression I was told constantly as a kid that at the time made no sense; 'You can right. But you can be dead right too.' Number 1 every driver nowadays needs to have some type of dash cam in their car to turn on whenever they get stopped. Without that camera and the officer being aware of it, IMO that entire stop goes down differently. Also the fact the driver is a fire marshal probably stopped him from being arrested on some B.S. charge. In today's world everyone needs a third party present to represent the interest of the public and law enforcement, and that 3rd party is digital video. Cops do dirt because there's no one there to see them. Also the vid helps protect cops when shit goes crazy because the person being questioned or detained is in the wrong. It's a bad situation when from jump you know a cop is stopping you based on a lie. In many parts of the country, if the driver wasn't a city employee and didn't have a dash camera, more than a few cops would have dragged him out of his car, beat his ass to the ground then wrote up a false report saying the driver was resisting arrest. And those would have been the facts. Next. I'm sorry, but I'm not telling a D.C. or PG County cop in the midst of a stop that you WORK FOR ME because I pay my taxes and you're a city Know the law, get a cam for your ride. I didn't know a cop didn't have the legal right to make you get out of your vehicle if the stop was invalid(no driving violation). In fact there are some cops who would have forcibly confiscated that phone in the beginning and did what they wanted. He's lucky he met a halfway decent P.O.
Here's the full video of the incident (start @ 13:20 to pick up where the other one left off): [YOUTUBE]RBvmoYlQhVo[/YOUTUBE]
He said the same thing I told a cop who started getting heated with me over an incident that, imo, was handled improperly at my home with regards to a vehicle my son owned. I started to get angry and he says "I'm not going to get into a peeing match with you ma'am" (lol @ peeing rather than pissing). I said "You're right you're not - I'm a homeowner and I pay taxes, therefore I pay your salary. Getting into it with me isn't a good idea." He seemed a little startled by that. Kudos to this guy who clearly knew his rights and knew just what to say. Being a fire marshall probably helped, too. Band of brothers.
The policeman failed to tell the driver he is free to go. That cop is so ghetto totally unprofessional.:smt043
what a loser So who is Soto (the driver)? He's a felon, sentenced to 33 months in federal prison for straw purchasing firearms. He has multiple convictions for theft, fleeing from police, and was convicted of impersonating a public servant in 2005 and now claims he is a volunteer firefighter. We asked Soto where he works. "Well we are going to - you are going to stop that right there alright - we are going to stop that and we are not going to go into that," said Soto. Police are also cautioning the public not to use Soto's video as an example of what to do during a traffic stop. While it is legal to record video, the Pennsylvania vehicle code requires drivers to turn over their identification and registration. In addition, the Fraternal Order of Police is now asking authorities to pursue charges against Soto for allegedly impersonating a public servant. . [YOUTUBE]6joQllsduOI[/YOUTUBE]
Doesn't matter who Soto is or what his past transgressions where. Obviously, the cop had no right or legitimate reason to pull him over. The cop knew it and that's why he backed off. Don't get distracted by "the victim isn't perect therefor he isn't credible" argument. It's a smoke screen designed to get people to disregard the facts directly pertaining to the incident by getting them to focus on details that are completely irrelevant to what happened. Everything we need to know is right there on that recording. Because, had anything been off or ilegal about Soto and his handling of the situation, that cop would have hauled his ass off to jail or worse. Reminds me of a comedian I once heard. I don't remember his name but I remember he had a bit about his girl catching him red handed with his side piece. He told her, "Who are you going to believe, me or your lyin' ass eyes?" Same principle applies here.
Agree 100%. People always must remain vigilant and think critically about all things. Bringing up Soto's background has nothing at all to do with this illegal stop. In fact you'll find that people who've spent time behind bars are some of the most well versed in certain aspects of the law. THe man had the law on his side and he knew it. So did the cop. Even an ex-felon has rights and doesn't deserve to be harassed by police when he isn't committing a crime. (BTW buying guns in bulk for others is only a crime when a Black man does it. If conservatives were really against it, they'd end no background purchases at gun shows.) People grow up and change for the better. I'm not holding his record against him. The cop started this entire interaction on a LIE. Most drivers aren't aware if one of their headlights is out which is why cops use this ruse all the time. I'm glad Soto knew from jump his headlights were straight which instantly gave him control of the situation and put the cop on defense. People need to talk about the vid and what happened IRL. I don't need the back story.