What damage to their bodies are minorities doing exactly? Are you referring to beauty products? France is not tackling self-esteem. There are websites telling girls to stop eating. Thin models are demanded to lose weight or be fired or not hired. Models' body parts are being altered without disclaimers. Modern Governments ordinarily step in when they deem it necessary to protect the vulnerable from harm, be it babies, children, teens, adults (and women)and the ederly. From Car seats, seatbelts, anti smoking and smoke bans, to no drinking and driving and alcohol restrictions, anti-bullying, suicide hotlines, drug abuse, to food ingredient disclosures..the list is long, you get my point.
Not Samson but black women have been frying their hair for a 100 yrs I know white women damage their hair as well but all those products were introduced because knowing full well they would be losing their hair behind that madness The biggest problem I have countless times I've see. Serena Williams called ugly I'm fucking sorry there isn't nothing ugly about her ( well they were raised crazy) seen Michelle Obama called a dude ,, a sexy powerful built black woman is a scary as the big black negro is
As well as surgeries to make their noses straighter and skin lightening treatments with harmful procedures and products. It's a billion dollar market.
Don't forget all the women fucking up their health with those butt injections I'm pretty sure flat ass women aren't getting opportunities to model, in markets geared towards darker men, without those
All heavily regulated Industries. Woman in Philly convicted last week of murder for butt injections gone wrong. Straight to jail. Here' is another...teens and tanning salons. Govt has stepped in and ordered tanning salons to restrict use to teens and amount, or be fined. (because of rise in young skin cancer cases and deaths)