ELITE didn't want Marchildon for one main reason, she wasn't thin enough. If they thought she could be a money maker for them, they would have gladly assumed her contract. What's misleading?? It really was all about her hips making her appear 'fat'.:smt119
Your assuming, the company felt that they weren't obligated to fulfill the defuct companies obligation of paying out $100,000. They tried to be slick by giving her an unattainable requirement in order to stiff her out of her winnings. If her hips were 90cm at the start of the contest and she went up to 92cm, the court would of ordered in the modeling agencies favor.
Elite bought out MTA, they just didn't want this model. A $100,000 contest award for a model who's going to potentially earn millions a year and their subsequent commission to the modeling agency is nothing. It was all about the fact they thought she was too fat to be one of their models. The problem was Elite didn't want to pay 100 grand to a girl they weren't ever going to hire to work for them.
Isn't that temporary for one role in a movie, though? Most actors maintain their individual looks. When you are hired by these fashion houses you have to stay that way or else. If Hollywood said every actor must be skeletal (or very obese), do you think the Actors Guild would allow that? France's Models need a Union if they dont have one already.
This we very much can agree on. Even though I think Jay-z and Kanye are pond scum these days there's something to be said for actual artists taking control of the market and cutting out talentless middlemen or reducing their control at the very least. Some actors can maintain their individual look but they are constantly in competition for roles and have to kind of swing to which way the wind blows unless they are the elite of the elite. If Chris Hemsworth ever lost weight and couldn't fill out that Thor outfit his days would be numbered same as if Chris Evans gained weight. That world is constant competition unless you're a brand like Cher Beyonce or Cher
I looked it up, they have something like it created recently due to employer abuse... http://www.nextnewdeal.net/model-union-new-group-gives-voice-fashion-workers excerpt... because models are classified as independent contractors, they are exempted from most labor and employment laws Your examples of thor are not life threatening. You're confusing it.
Yeah because taking steroids, hgh, testosterone shots, and creatine are perfectly safe and complicationless.
This is very true, Unique. You make an excellent point. Hollywood has many options of looks... French fashion houses demand one look. Which is dangerous for the body. These models have no one protecting their interests, so the Govt stepped in. Amazing how so many don't want these women to be looked out for.
Thor wasn't my only example and often times the time frame for them to lose or gain weight is in fact life threatening
Job security? If you are suggesting that Roseanne for one second threatened John he'd lose his job over his weight, or demanded he put on weight, you're out of your mind. Kevin Smith is a SCREENWRITER. His body size is irrelevent. Both men btw, have lost weight by their own volition and continue to be employed In their chosen fields unimpeded. Honestly, l see you continue to miss the point of the thread, despite evidence shown to you...and deflecting and detracting won't change it, either. So perhaps at this point it is better if you discuss this with those who agree with you.
Why do you bring it to insults knowing damn well if I did the same to you it would be report city. Knock it off.
Sorry meant Kevin James not Kevin Smith and Roseanne may have not requested it but the network would. The same way you say models are pressured to be thin you think it doesn't exist on the other side? This is all about viewers and consumers and people love for the characters to stay the same fluctuations on either end make them uncomfortable. I never missed the point of the thread especially when other posters advocated that presenting thin women is bad because it promotes an unhealthy lifestyle, why is saying the same of obesity wrong?
You are asking me questions that Unique already answered you. There is no cross industry demand in Hollywood for actress to be super-obese, or else.What are you not understanding? There would be an uproar. The Network would not have told Roesanne to fire him - that was HER show. She could have taken it to another network, no problem. (eg: Charlie Sheen told his network to fire his Anger Management co-star (not weight related), or he was quitting - they fired her). Even Mike and Molly ...Molly has dropped a lot of weight on the season break....she was not fired by th3 Network. Kevin James not only lost and gained weight as Doug, so did Carrie. Kevin James and his brother created the show. It's his show. They are executive writers, so Doug is, as Kevin is. No comparison. Seriously, your examples are plain horrible, lol.
My point and I will say it one more time is of the overall concern is the images projected and the concern it has on the psyche of kids and the influence it has on their behavior then why is no one concerned with the images promoting obesity and unhealthy lifestyles I that fashion unless this is just another example of people agreeing with what they personally don't like seeing.
If you can show me France's fashion houses hiring, demanding and projecting images of super-obese women - which is the only fair comparison to the SKELETAL ANOREXIA demand on their models, l will eat my words.