Yeah I made it like a few sentences into the wiki article before seeing the word BRITISH Talk about your usual suspects
Yeah its kind of like stripping a people of chances at prosperity and at the same time flooding their neighborhoods with highly addictive drugs and wondering why they sell and use..... hold on wait a minute
He's very knowledgeable. If he makes me aware of something l was unaware of, l will research it for the back story (not just him but any info of interest here). Maybe he assumed we all knew, since it's pretty significant? Fixed. ps make it khalua n cream. No molly either, ty.
Do I now? Well as long as I'm still a progressive that's all that matters. But just like here I ultimately don't place blame with American workers who don't want illegals or ethnic foreigners her I place it with the corporations who are exploiting everyone
You're too funny. Blame corps but not Govt? Do you really think the illegals sneaking over the borders and on planes and ships come just to work?. They know they will be able to siphon the $ervice$ meant for law-abiding Americans. I know for a fact there are illegals who have gotten public housing while our Vets are homeless on the street.
Amin didn't scapegoat anybody. He told the truth to his people about the parasitic motive of the "Asians" Imagine what people from India would do to Africans in their Country.:smt039
In the eloquent words of fox mulder...there's a government behind the government; a shadow conspiracy
So much truth to that. You can tell there is an out of touch elite when mofos want to charge 20 bucks for services that are being given away for free just because they think they deserve it. They are completely out of touch and could give a fuck less about us