Believe me, I immediately thought it might have been, but l looked at her hair and her shadow. She is also sitting on something raised.
Now, now. Can't be too hard on her. Clearly she's one of those overly intellectual types who views video games as childish and beneath her, so never got into them on any level. Especially since she can't even spell Donkey Kong correctly.
"Intellectual" or not, she has no excuse. One could almost feel sorry for her for looking so stupid in front of so many, but for me almost just doesn't count in this situation. lol
True. It's her own fault. If you are going to go on a game show like Jeopardy, its in your own best interest to be as knowledgeable on multiple topics as possible, especially topics you may not otherwise take an interest in under normal circumstances.
Yeah, because you never know what kind of categories they'll throw at you. I just wonder where in the hell she came up with 'Danky Kang'.