ashley judd is a kentucky wild cat fan and she went online and made an opinion on a basketball game. then she was called all kinds of vile sexually based names thus she shouldnt have an opinion. a frat took pics of women drunken and nude and all of it is cool. and harmless. if a woman sleeps around....shes a slut. if a dude does it....hes awarded. if a woman is a virgin .... she highly sought after....if a man is a virgin.....hes unwanted and shunned. theres even a current example here in this forum ? not just current but plenty in the past. one example of many is cheating. you can look atmany articles and discussion on cheating and see some difference in gender on why . a woman ceo is asked how will she balance family and arent asked that. what other differences do exist?
Judd has a right to be offended by the garbage spewed at her and women in general. At the same time Judd over the past six years has seemed increasingly paranoid about feminist issues and therefore prone to some generalizations of her own.
The Ashely Judd thing is just cyber trolls doing their thing. If she was a black person they would be calling her the N-word. If she was a gay man they would be calling her a F**gt. You can't attach real gender dynamics to twitter attacks. As for those frat guys, they have been pretty much called out on their douchebaggery by most people who reported on the story. I haven't seen anybody defending them except for other frat guys. Some of these other examples simply exist, because no matter how much some people want to think otherwise, Men and Women are just different. A women will be asked about her family more than a man will because of one reason. Women give birth, and no matter how career minded a mother is, she has to take at least some time away from work to take care for her child. A father can as well, but doesn't have to. You are spot on about the virgin thing. I can only attend that, that mindset is a hold over from our societies more patriarchal and puritanical history. The thing we need to remember is that there is a fine line between double standard and natural gender differences.
well stated.....another point i shouldve pointed out is divorce. example that stands out greatly is child custody. men are less likely to get custody.
A man gets rewarded for having sex because it's harder for men. Women who sleep around get unfairly judged because a lot of dudes are jealous they can't do the same and women are worried that if some girls make it so easy that men will be less likely to want to settle down with one woman.
It's called man tax Next time the ship goes down, see if I scream 'women and children first!' There's no thought about it
No they don't actually. The 77¢ wage gap that everyone quotes is a misunderstanding of statistics. The wage gap is a comparison of the median income of all women compared to the median income of all men. When you compare two individuals of opposite genders working the same hours at the same job, the gap virtually disappears. college student called little league player monae davis a slut
Well I guess they were right Those initial assaults on free speech would lead to a slippery slope after all I mean...a guy gets kicked off the team for calling some (now well connected) girl a slut on twitter I bet if the target of his slut insult was some random poor person or another guy, no one would bat an eye
I keep hearing that. Anyone have info on which ones because from my understanding most jobs come with a salary attached to it and it's weird if assholes think they can low ball a well known salary amount and get away with it.