I got that from young black girls and a few black boys in middle and high school. Sometimes white boys and girls listened out of curiosity because I happen to be in the south and a "proper" speaking black boy was an oddity back then. To black kids, they thought I was trying to be better than them, which wasn't true. They only saw these people on tv and the movies. For me, speaking proper was my one and only act of defiance against the south. My male cousins on my mother's side call each other Ike from time to time. I often wondered why they called each other that name.
The personalities dont change much too... anyway, fucking video game. Buzzfeed nailed it!! good video.
It's almost as if they're surprised that we didn't live up to their preconceived notion about "black people".
Thank you ladies! Although, I want my abs to be more defined. Slow progress is better than no progress.
Unfortunately it is black people who mock other black people for speaking well with good diction and expressions.You speak so well is so condescending and patronising it's not even funny
I agree. It's okay to use community slang internally because it's a valid dialect like any other, but intelligence is knowing the language of the person with whom you are speaking. Don't forget our primitive grunts, jock-grabs and the occasional slam dunk for dramatic effect.