I don't deny that male privilege exists, Women in our society are still struggling for equality in a lot of categories. I just think that western societies male privilege needs to be put into perspective. Because The "privilege" isn't as pronounced as some would like to think. 62% of homeless people are men. http://homeless.samhsa.gov/ResourceFiles/hrc_factsheet.pdf 78% of suicides are men https://www.afsp.org/understanding-suicide/facts-and-figures 77% of homicide victims are men http://www.bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/htus8008.pdf More men are sexually assaulted every year than women. http://www.nybooks.com/articles/archives/2013/oct/24/shame-our-prisons-new-evidence/?pagination=false http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2449454/More-men-raped-US-women-including-prison-sexual-abuse.html Men receive 60% higher sentences for committing the same crime as women. http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2144002 Men in western society have no legal recourse to opt-out of parental responsibility (un-like their female counterparts) http://thoughtcatalog.com/janet-bloomfield/2014/05/heres-why-men-should-have-the-reproductive-rights-that-women-have/ 40% of domestic violence victims are men. http://domesticviolencestatistics.org/men-the-overlooked-victims-of-domestic-violence/ The point I'm making is that, even though male privilege undoubtedly exists. It ain't all peaches and cream being born a man.
Maybe if she actually bothered to read your OP, she would comprehend that "similar"...is not the "same".
Hold on so you guys think that in the west your maleness trumps whiteness? Get into a public argument with a woman and see what happens. In fact by every metric that measures quality of life i.e. employment, socio-economic status /development, health etc I don't get how tou see an even playing field.
Great post and also lets keep it in perspective male privilege is usually and more likely enjoyed by upper middle class to wealthy white men. Usually every accusation about male privilege outside of being able to walk alone at night isn't enjoyed by most men and once you throw other things in there like height and body frame the number reduces.
Interesting choices you put up. When have more time l want to examine the data in those links. Not sure why you added/think a man loses his privelidge, because he legally can't force a woman to get an abotion. He doeasnt have to carry the child or suffer through childbirth. After that, they both have co-responsibility.
I'm sorry but you misunderstand my meaning. I'm not refering to abortions. A woman can LEGALLY abandon her child (adoption, or safe haven drop-offs) she can walk away with no financial/legal obligations to the child. Men do not have that option under the law. If a man doesn't want to be a father to a child, the government will not allow him to sever his financial responsibility. Unless the biological mother allows him to.
No, no. What I was saying is that within each group males are in the dominant position. White supremacy negates the maleness of men of color in terms of power vis-a-vis the dominant racial group. Nevertheless in every human society on the planet men are in control of cultural, economic, governmental military, and social power. The position that men occupy on the social scale because of capitalism, racism, etc notwithstanding. Only men ascribe meaning to the human world, definite it, shape it, determine it for other humans, etc. The fact that there are men that do poorly doesn't change that. As for public arguments with women, the only reason women occupy this protected, exalted place in society is an extension of their value as male property. They are protected as an extension of the property rights of a man, in the same way if a racist white harmed a slave, he was liable to the slave owner for damages. Before someone appears saying that I think women are property, allow me to reiterate that this is NOT the way I think things should be. I am only commenting on the development of human society to day.
You want me to explain why it's that way or how it got that way? Just trying to be clear before I answer.
I couldn't disagree more. The disempowering of the black male is in no way driven by women asserting equal or greater power against men. It is entirely a function of the relatively greater oppression to which black men are subjected by white men and the capitalist system generally. I think you may be judging power by looking at social phenomena, not control of actual levers of power. Women determine almost nothing in human society. Even matrilineal societies do not empower women - they're about the genealogical purity for the purpose of tracing lineage. Women don't define symbols, norms, anything. It is wholly determined by men. I've never heard of this. If a child is given up for adoption, no parent has legal obligations nor rights to it. Is this under a unique set of circumstances? I think you point out some excellent statistics. However, I don't think these have anything to do with male privilege or dominance, but are instead a sign of general social dysfunction and male pathology or pyschological stresses. I don't think those fundamentally alter the reality of male power and perspective informing and determining everything around us. It doesn't mean that men won't have bad times, there will be enough suffering to go around. But the overarching narrative of the human race - how our society is established, etc, I think is still a male construct.