Yes immediate death is no comparison to being disinvited to Thanksgiving dinner and teasing. Seriously who is out of touch lol. Next you're gonna tell me you had to give up trust funds too lol
You will never know because you aren't female and you aren't isn't any easier for would be lost if your family disowned you
I'll take that over swinging from a tree or ending up in a ditch because I whistled at the wrong girl. Broken families can be mended there's no coming back from death period.
Who said it NEVER happens the other way? But if you want to keep score that shit is like Heats Nuggets game total blow out.
Lmao you clearly have no fucking clue. If anything that would expose me to more racism not less for dating white girls. And one of my best friends got his skull beat in with a baseball bat over that shit so keep running your mouth clueless.
Actually when it happened I stopped for awhile, but I was 16 at the time and hormones usually can make most traumas go away lol. But even then I had the good sense to know it wasn't everyone like that. And the whole thing really wasn't even about race it was more a hurt pride thing because one the kids got sonned and couldn't let it go but once the trial happened it turned into a race thing because they used n-bombs.
Just to interject here... Lippy I believe is talking family/ are talking strangers. So both of your positions have merit. To add to Lippy's point, WW also have gotten/get beaten by their fathers or brothers when found out. Many were/are thrown out of the house.They reject their grandkids. I dont really hear that behavior from Black families to their kids. I also have had my life threatened by a global Skinhead/Aryan consortium.They were relentess. Understand, to them, we are n-lovers and traitors and viewed as the enemy. It's different stories from WW and BM, but we rep the same movement -- IR. It isn't about who has it worse...remember, white people hung from trees too, for defending or friending Blacks. Lippy isn't saying that BM didn't/don't have it hard, but 'asking' you to acknowledge the different experiences.
I absolutely acknowledge who the allies are in the struggle but when specifically talking about IR dating in the US the risks have always and are still greater for bm. We live in a country when even interest not even actual dating got men killed. And I get that not being able to keep in contact with family may hurt but usually its not the entire family and you still get to live, you still get to breathe.
I answered not because it was about me, specifically, but because you've lumped me in that category before, so I'm one example. TDK, you want respect for your experiences as a BM. They're your experiences, they are your truth. But often, you have no respect for the experiences, the reality of others. You are so convinced that you're right, that you refuse to open yourself to someone else's truth, unless you feel something favorable towards them. And btw, if I and other women my age are so far past our prime, why do we get attention by the droves, from men your age?? I would say more than half the men that approach me are in their early to mid 30's. I'm not interested in much younger men. I want the guy whose kids are grown, who shaves his head because he's going bald, he has a little belly on him, holds old school values and has tons of life experience. As for not being attracted to WM any longer almost every BM I've dated has been in the same position. Dated BW to appease family or because that's what he knew or all he had opportunity to date. But circumstances later in life allowed him to make other dating choices. That's cool for him, but not women like me? I used to drink plain tea. That's what was available, that's what I knew. Now there's a whole cornucopia of teas and flavors out there. Chai tea is my favorite. Spicy, exciting, rich, full of flavor intoxicating aroma.... Makes plain tea seem boring and tasteless. Kinda like my dating experience. Can you understand the positive innuendo in that example? It's a compliment. Grow up, TDK. Please. Get your head out your ass and stop projecting your prejudice on everyone else.
Like I said its one thing to be open to all kinds of tea but when the old tea no longer becomes appetizing one wonders what changed. I like stuffed lamb but doesn't mean I no longer like steak. I was going to be insulting but there's no need so believe as you will and I'll do the same. Never said your life experience was wrong just offered another that I see ALL THE DAMN TIME.