stephon marbury wanted to kill himself
depression is nothing to take lightly. in the black community they are really just acknowledging it. not too long ago it was not really cool to say u are suffering like that and no one would seek help or do it secretly....meaning they would hide it from family
Mental health issued have always been stigmatized. But given that psychology and psychiatry are relatively new areas of health/medicine, it will take time for people to get with the program, especially since we're still figuring out what that program is. lol
Long time ago would have chalked this up to booze being young and stupid Today, tho who da fuck wants to have sex with a comatose person? Don't get it all that is sick twisted on that Ted bundy
Of course I seen domestic violence growing up and I remember having to perform a few 'coded' police calls/stealth missions to get help as a child I also remember the joy of having an abusive, crazy 'I'll kill u if u leave' fool die of cancer
I bullshit a lot but I know domestic violence is a serious issue Many people forget the impact that it has on children Nothing rattles your mind more than hearing a guy violently toss around your mom every week (alcoholic boyfriends suck)
I just did? My experience with domestic violence was as a child, hearing his mom struggle with some muscle bound nut who preferred fighting women over men This ties back into an older post explaining my positive interactions with police growing up...if it weren't for them....jeeeeez I never had an abusive partner
Yeah, I was going to type that despite you being a smart ass on here, I felt like giving you an e-hug...for what you revealed here. Impact on kids...The comments section had a guy called 'Al Pacino'....he hates the Ad..said its worthless to him...because his mom (and he) got beat for years...but she never left her abuser.... and he was really, really bitter about it. Fucken domestic violence. I detest it. They need to rename it Domestic and Psychological Violence.
My mom stayed with her bf because she honestly felt he would do more harm to her if she left Which is why we were both elated when he got miserably sick (he lost all that muscle he used to manhandle her) and died
:freehug: :freehug: :freehug: I fucking hate abusive people. They're more messed up in the head that anyone might ever realize.