Never banned because it's a steamy parody commercial. A different user uploaded the same clip on YouTube about 5 years ago.
If it was two white people that commercial wouldn't play, if it was an actual TV ad. LOL at some you getting upset that a NUDE, interracial couple simulating fellatio wouldn't get TV time.:smt017:smt005
I saw that clip years ago. It was very convincing. If it was shown here in this country, it will be the mother of all shit storms.
Really, right, lol. *It was posted in the funny thread by a cpl of years ago by blackbull, I think. Still awesome to watch again. ( *or a similiar one, anyway)
No one wants to watch a pornographic Sprite commercial while their grandmother or mom is sitting next to them.
Shit my grandmom thought I was exposing a younger cousin to porn every time she heard xena yell in the show That's what happens when u should be asleep instead of eavesdropping from ur bedroom Got me looking like pedobear n shit
Off topic but remember when Xena got her dark chocolate on with that brotha :freehug: She claimed he was the only man she ever truly loved in her whole life . . . his name was Marcus I think.
Marcus instantly sprung to my mind too They don't do network programming during the day on the weekend anymore like that :sad: