You poor thing stizzy:freehug: looks like a green bay win is pending...after last week they almost had to reverse that last play...
Yea. At least it's been a good game, that's all you can hope for when it's not your team playing lol. Can't stand romo though so I'm on GB all the way.
Ok 3 points here at worst ... then dal will need a td and 2 point conv.. or td n field goal... aint happening
True but ( and I can't stand Dallas) the whole thing about completing a catch thru the ground is absurd,, imo the rule should be simply if you catch the ball and you lose control hitting the ground should be a fumble
Well the ground can't cause a fumble as we know..but its a rule and it was called correctly, unlike the pass interference last week. I also dont like how they can push someone out of bounds in the endzone, rule change. I think if you are in the air, and have the ball secured, getting pushed out wiuth the ball still secured shouldnt nullify a td, or a catch.