what have you learned about yourself and life? i learned that i like being sure about things .. i like a predictable life, safe and sure. example...i realized this weekend im fearful of the internet cause you really arent sure of it. meaning you can buy something at amazon and it may not be what you want and you may catch hell getting your money back. with brick and mortar....its more tangible.
I've learned that complacency isn't really living. I've learned that pushing through fear and pain will always yield the most unbelievable results. I've learned that settling in any part of your life is the quickest way to kill your dreams and self esteem. Most importantly I've learned that the only opinions that matter are the ones of those I hold dear. All else is truly irrelevant. I've learned how to balance being a strong, independent woman while still being able to step back and give up control at times. I've learned that everyone needs help at some point and that it's ok to ask for help. Sounds so DUH, but it took me forever to learn that last piece
For me, all those things revolved around me figuring out that I deserved better. Once I truly believed that, things steamrolled and fell into place. I have no issue practicing what I preach because they're words I honestly believe. If you know your worth, it becomes easier to follow your heart/gut/learned life lessons. Wish I was strong enough to learn/practice it 10 years ago but it's all good
You learned some good shit. Lol. It took me forever to learn that last piece too. I'm a strong dude but I couldn't have push through it alone like I thought.
Ten years ago you wouldn't have experienced those lessons of life so there was no way to learn them. We live and learn (well, we suppose to).
a friend told me "your obstacles, triumps and failures are not just about you, they are to help others"
The last piece is about control and pride, imo. Hard things to change. Life is sweet when you let people all the way in though...no pride in the way.
Ketchup on pizza is not a good mix Fuck you delivery man for giving me pizza with ketchup sauce instead of what I asked for