I thought this was America people?
I don't think people realize how many older patients have NO ONE to help them. They are 100% on their own. It's so sad. The owners should be facing some sort of neglect charges. They were paid to care for these patients and they abandoned them. Where's the accountability? I didn't read anything about charges?
Sad shit U always hear about nursing home abuse and all that jazz Like u said many of them have no sort of advocacy Which is CRAZY considering the sheer costs of some facilities Ud think they'd have enough money to issue social workers to them, who visit and all that Maybe they do that in some places, I dunno
Dude there's this one fancy ass one here that's a SNF/Assisted Living and residential living and they charge nearly $10,000/mo for the residential side. Can you imagine how much the snf/assisted side costs?! Granted it includes meals and stuff (transportation, activities) but damn that's expensive!
And u wonder why I'm a proponent of euthanasia Let me go with dignity...spare me the sexual abuse, bedsores and overflowing bedpans
My ex's grandmother forks out $10,000/mo in PA in a no-fuss facility but that is assisted living. The only thing wrong with her medically, is that she has macular degeneration. But she is also in her 90's.
Who the fuck can afford 10000/month That's a rhetorical question...e-ballers please do not start flexing bank accounts like mayweather
It's not sustainable and there is no way anyone can justify those costs. That's were capitalism should show the true power of the free market. There should be McDonald style spots opening up charging 1k-5k a month instead.
Her money's just about gone. My parents can't even afford a facility and my dad will need assisted living soon. He's bedridden now.
I was saying that previous post in my 'team America: world police' voice This country LOVES to criticize other countries while giving its own population the metaphorical ram-rod up the ass It's horseshit and I wish more people would call this government on it, because there's no way to call this place a leader on human rights, when we are allowing the elderly to get ganked coast to coast, year after year
Well aren't u the rebellious one Unless of course ur talking about the people that run the nursing homes, etc...and not the general population tasked with boycotting the system
I am the rebellious one (always, lol). But I am not talking about the general population boycotting shit, just all individuals doing more. But, perhaps, I'm still too stuck on the crazy European system...