Bill Cosby Rape Accusations

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Ra, Nov 15, 2014.

  1. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    Oh trust me...heads are gunna roll
  2. hellified

    hellified Active Member

    this country was developed on racism..what do you expect??
  3. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    Seriously all u need to do is use google

    If archman was really serious about understanding why some people look for anti black slants, it's because they're constantly exposed to incidents which involve them

    Insulating yourself from the real world is a lovely gift because this shit is widespread

    Funny thing is...insulated blacks who prefer not to openly discuss racism and attack it head on, are the same ones who benefit from such movements

    I bet many a conservative negro condemned mlk and watched the civil rights movement from the sidelines
  4. Archman

    Archman Well-Known Member

    Yes but considering the forum composition is 50% something other than blackmen with grievances, it becomes an impediment to the objective of a IR forum.....I mean what is the remaining 50% suppose to say and do. ..apologize, console and apologize some more ?....we seem to keep it handy, within arms reach, every discussion, every thread, every Damn day. ....
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2014
  5. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    It happens all the time, to this day. Rape is the most under-reported crime on the planet, and this is when it involves laymen, let alone mega-stars.

    Do you understand that the concept of "date rape" was unrecognized back in those days?

    Today, we have evolved to understand it better and the psychological machinations of guilt, shame, disbelief, and denial (to name a few), that occur when a person you know, date, trust and even love...rapes you.

    And then you add in the mix a drug that impairs you, impairs your ability to fight back or even be fully cognizant except right before you pass out, and once you come to?
    Bill himself insisted it's every man's dream to slip a 'spanish fly' to a woman without her knowledge...

    So tell me, is it?

    Back then (and still today as we see), when/if a woman was raped, her character was put on trial, not the man's. You know, like how black victims often are.

    For some reason, you refuse to acknowledge that some of the women coming forward are Black. In 2005, the Temple employee who sued him and whom Bill paid compensation to, is Black. Keep in mind, comedienne Faizon Love has called them 'porch monkeys' for coming forward, and that they should stfu and support the great Cosby.

    See the ugly that comes spewing out when you defend him? People are losing their minds. "OMG not Cliff Huxtable...I refuse to believe it!" You don't see people defending the pedophile from 7th Heaven and he did that twenty years ago, also. Bill needs mental help.
  6. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    Very true


    The dad from 7th heaven busted himself by confessing on there was no need for benefit of a doubt or innocent until proven guilty

    Whether or not people were complaining before he confessed...I dunno

    As for the black women coming out....dunno what to say about that in relation to thinking it was nothing but 'crazy' ww coming at him
  7. I guess thats his punishment for being a black republican?:confused:
  8. Archman

    Archman Well-Known Member

    For the record, Cosby is not a registered replication. ....His professed FAMILY values were the only thing conservative. ....
  9. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    HAHA as if cheating on your wife represents family values

    What the fuck is in this water
  10. hellified

    hellified Active Member essentially you put the burden on cosby to prove his innocence how does he do that exactly?

    2. And does this mean that all that is needed for folks to think he is guilty is getting a bunch of women he had some type of association with in his past to accuse him of rape?

    I don't like faizon love so I'm not defending anything he says. And spanish fly isn't a knock out drug its rumored to be an aphrodisiac. Its the equivalent of saying a certain alcoholic drink like red wine makes a woman horny.

    What I find disheartening is this dogpile effect..some of these allegations coming out aren't even crimes. Bill Cosby fathered a kid with another woman. Bill Cosby flirted with a woman she felt uncomfortable and nothing else happened after that whats the purpose of bringing that up for?

    The woman from temple filed charges a YEAR late and could only make a civil claim which was settled out of court.

    If its proven that Cosby did that shit then let someone bring forth the truth...otherwise its hearsay.
  11. does it matter?
  12. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Yes. To Arch it really does matter.
  13. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I've noticed with this case like the black actress who got the cops called on her and her boyfriend may illicit knee jerk reactions based on personal experience. After recently being harassed by the cops I was quick to believe that the black female actress was in the right. I was connecting my experience with shitty cops to hers and that was wrong because it turned out she was in fact full of shit. Her and her boyfriend had been getting hot and heavy in a car which is illegal and someone called the cops because it was in a public park where kids played. She made it seem like it was just a kiss and people jumped to a racist conclusion of it being prostitution when it was "innocent". Well it was really her and her man getting busy and she got embarassed and pulled the race card(only time I will ever cosign that bs because 99.99999% it is bs)
    So I think a lot of women connect their own experiences in life with this situation and won't even consider whether or not its true simply because he's powerful and rich and rich powerful men do shit like this all the time and get away with it. No one can deny it and I totally agree but riddle me this ladies seriously help me out, what other power white male celebrities away with rape after being accused? I'm sure you can some, I can't do the same with powerful black celebrities. Every accusation is investigated and they are brought to task. There is a long rich history in this country where racism constantly trumps money. Maybe for some of you its because you truly don't see race or you refuse to see the role it plays but from people who are forced to deal with race constantly I can't imagine a scenario where a black man rapes white women and white authorities hear about it and just let it go. If being president doesn't save a person from racial scrutiny I honestly don't think a hit tv show will not to mention a ton of these accusations were made looooooong before the Cosby era. He may have been a rich actor but he wasn't a franchise yet.
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    So let me translate, the black men should ignore possible racism because it might hurt the white women's feelings? Word?
  15. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    True Archman. Cos never mentioned the failings of Blacks in mainstream media or White audiances. Oh yes,I wonder why such huge outrage towards Cos while Polanski and Allen go scot free? Those corporations and self rightous actors and actresses still want to work with those two men to the point they even voted them Oscars. And they made Cos a monster?
  16. RicardoCooper

    RicardoCooper Well-Known Member

    Collins admitted on tape he did what he did. With Bill, it's nothing but hearsay. NOTHING. See the difference? In your stab at false equivalence, probably not
  17. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    man's got a point. Many of us including myself believe he is guilty but no one has proof. He could be innocent and a victim.
  18. RicardoCooper

    RicardoCooper Well-Known Member

    That many women don't come forward without at least one pressing charges, either
  19. hellified

    hellified Active Member

    Andrea Constand went to the police a YEAR after the alleged rape. Thats why there were no criminal charges. 'There was almost no evidence on which to base a criminal case. The lady could not remember what happened with any detail, and she didn't report it for a year, all this made the case very difficult.

    thats the DA in the case.

    Lachele Covington, 20, who has appeared on Cosby’s CBS TV show, filed a police report saying the beloved comedian put her hand under his T-shirt and guided it south toward his sweatpants, the sources said.

    But Covington said she pulled her hand away — and that was the end of that. She told Cosby she was leaving and he said, “That’s fine.”

    Cops consulted the Manhattan district attorney’s office and decided no crime had been committed because until the very moment Covington pulled her hand away, all actions had been consensual, the sources said.

    So cops never questioned — or charged — the comedian.

    thats two cases that were officially reported and resulted in no action of the dozen or women over 40 years.
  20. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Nope he's a rapist that's the end of it. Evidence be damned logic too

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