Just because it's typically (99 percent of the time) a white person/people being busted for systemic racism in America, doesn't mean that we actually 'blame whitey' Just because it's typically a man being busted for rape, doesn't mean we actually 'blame men' Oh Wait....
...and you see why the 'broken windows' (I think that was what it was referred to) was heavily criticized as yet another government-sanctioned policy implemented to target minorities
Funny how that happens. We can't fix anything because everyone takes things personally when they shouldn't.
My two cents If you truly care about the lives and welfare of black men in America, you would be just as disgusted and outraged with the system as we are. You would want to join hands with us and talk about this shit that could harm your loved one, instead of telling us 'shut up, we are tired of hearing about it.' That's really weird and should make you think what role they really want bm to play with them. By that same token, if you truly care about the white women here, you would want to listen to their incidents of rape, abuse or discrimination, instead of shrugging it off like it's all in their heads. You would want to take the issue seriously because, again, this affects women by the truckloads and could/has impact their lives That's my honest, no bullshit, troll-free assessment
I totally agree the problem is a lot of the language that turns out blaming ALL men for rape and it kills dialogue. If you tell me there's rape culture and men need to learn not to rape how am I suppose to receive that? I desperately want to be on their side but no when you make me your automatic enemy just for being born with a penis. The biggest problem with progressives is everyone is an intellectual who swears they're right no matter what. Too many damn fanatics.
I'm not hating on you at all, dear. You're spot on with this comment. I asked my professor about the Free Speech implications of this trial.
I try not to criticize how some people write...maybe they can't help it But when goodlove clearly said it was due to his phone or something, admitting that he was too much of pimp to proofread.... That opened up the floodgates
Trust me, there are a few I don't get on because I agree they probably can't help it. GL could do better tho lol. I just like giving him a hard time.
Speaking of huuked on bonix http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/...cher_0_n_6204348.html?utm_hp_ref=black-voices