I agree the majority do. I was speaking to the few who've many times painted themselves in an ugly light for their lack of compassion for the injustices black men face. They can hate all they want, their ignorance just fuels me to keep pushing the truth.
Yeah and now you can go to jail for being black after sundown Btw..absoz love Tina fey...she's too damn cute
Lol leave it to you and your anti gangsta rap self. :freehug: Agree with petty tho...Tina is such a fav of mine!
Gangster rap leaders to violence.... ....just like listening to 'black sabbath' leads to biting off the heads of birds and drinking their blood And yes...I google image ms fey whenever I can
I have never said you run the women here off by "blaming whitey." If you're going to blame me for something at least be accurate. I have said you've run women off this board (because they themselves said you're the reason or part of) and you've been vocal in blaming white people/society, but I never said one was the reason for the other.
Every woman I've met named Tina was brunette, wore glasses and came off as incredibly cute Ur situation is the exception..but ur ches and exceptions just seem to gravitate towards you
You thought this was a game? http://www.chicagonow.com/six-brown...on-blacks-the-sundown-law-is-still-in-effect/ Or if ur looking for a more legit site http://www.cnn.com/2006/US/12/08/oppenheim.sundown.town/
Oh come on don't act all surprised Everyday there is story after story in the media about how 2014 is really 1957 I just try to consolidate them into the same threads, so you know which thread to avoid if the content is a little bit too real There's a story on hater site about a fire chief (yes..you read that right) who refuses to serve blacks and is very racist about it and doesn't give a fuck http://gawker.com/kentucky-fire-chief-we-aint-taking-no-niggers-here-1661210383
All you can really do is laugh at it because it's like 'yo this can't be serious' I'm still wondering how a fire chief who willfully denies serving blacks, can still have a job It's not like he's a Denny's owner (yeah they did that shit too) who happens to refuse to serve black patrons This is a job that deals with life or death matters