I won't lie...makes me kinda worry in ways I haven't had to worry about racist whites in a very long time Going into neighborhoods and using violence to uproot black families a la vintage pre-tamed KKK and wanting to allow more in from countries that have total disregard for black people That's unexplainable As someone said somewhere else on the internet, they have no problem with Latino immigrants as long as they leave the racist attitudes and policies of their old countries behind Google anti-black Latin national policy and see how FAR behind these guys are in the realm of black equality
I googled anti black national policy latino, nothing really hit But I'll save you people the legwork http://www.huffingtonpost.com/kumera-genet/the-dominican-government-_b_6141618.html And http://www.newsmax.com/ArmstrongWilliams/Hispanic-Racism-blacks-immigrants/2014/11/18/id/608028/ I'm not trying to whip up a racial fire at all. I just want people to be aware that the struggle is very real with multiple fronts
Some people believe it's to solidify the latino vote towards future democrats I truly hope that the black/Hispanic/latino rift will be addressed by the mainstream media and governments, before it spirals any further The focus is almost always between white and black, when it really isn't that simple
So what stopped you from referring to that as well? You were attacking Obama's (who hasnt done anything yet) supposed amnesty yet you didn't see the need to refer to Reagan's amnesty to make a point as to why it would be wrong? That's the nauseating hypocrisy about you.
During Reagan's era as president, the country was considerably smaller in population but infinitely richer in resources to accommodate even the needy alien.......since that time, things have changed drastically...our country has declined greatly in economic might unable to fully provide for its own, much more continue to extend it self to aliens. .....the citizenry understands that, .... But the presidency is yet to come to grips with that. ....
It's an interesting topic to watch, indeed....and a very important one At some point in time you have to fix what's already broken before you take on additional tasks People are already screaming about the ways this country is failing citizens who already live here I'm all for being humanitarian but be real now
Well now its time to wake up and smell the coffee my friends. Life is never ending conflict, never ending competition for resources so what we should in the mean time (those of us with intelligence) arm yourself with education and resources. Give yourself a fighting chance. The storm is coming and waving your fist at how unfair it is will do nothing for you. Educate yourself and push as hard as you can into fields that are still in demand, try and invest in businesses that will serve this growing population. They will be competing for low skill jobs, get better skills and for the love of God learn Spanish as well as some other languages, Duolingo is amazing and FREE. No more complaining just action action action.
The end is near I'm just glad that I'm halfway through my expected lifetime Should be gettin medals for this shit
Im curious as to why you believe the President, the same President that has presided over 60+ consecutive months of economic growth, cut the deficit more than in half, has seen an almost 50% drop in unemployment, and spent less than most recent presidents, is not aware of the economy?
The end of what? The one thing I am confident about is technology. Like you said the tools for survival are at our finger tips. Knowledge is power but we need to act in order to use that power. If you know a tornado is coming do you stand outside crying? Or do you find some food and shelter and ride that bitch out. I will say my only concern with such an influx on immigrants is them procreating, that shit has to be addressed by the more enlightened members of that group. We don't want this place to look like India.
Well then you have to wonder why amnesty then? Unless the idea is that they are coming here anyway might as well reduce the cost to law enforcement and just let them in
If whites are a projected minority by 2050 and Hispanics are the majority, where does that leave blacks? At least the asians are good at math and hard working
Fuck that where does it leave Petty? By 2050 if I have offspring those mofos will be more than likely three quarters white and not resemble anything we consider black these days LOL
One, they are already here and some % have kids that are legal citizens so for humanitarian reasons to not break up families. Two, there would be severe economic shockwaves if all the illegals were deported for good tomorrow, Americans are not going to pick tomatoes, work on construction crews, do the landscaping and lawncare, ect. for what an undocumented immigrant will. Its hilarious that the same President that is getting savaged by some Latino groups as the "Deporter in Chief" http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/03/05/nclr-deporter-in-chief_n_4905811.html, is getting called soft, clueless, or having a hidden agenda to ruin the country by proposing common sense immigration reform, by the right.
First, im just relating what I have heard so far as to some of the amnesty reasons that are being discussed. Second, dont assume you know a thing about my compassion. I notice you keep avoiding the economic ramifications discussion of mass deportations, what would you propose?