Lets wait and see what is in the actual executive order before supporting or condemning it, increased boarder security and a pay raise for immigration enforcement officers is also being discussed. Will be interesting to hear the reasoning behind the amnesty if it is given at the levels currently being reported.
http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/...undocumented-immigrants-in-military/16225135/ Illegals and the military
Do keep in mind that so far Obama has either deported more illegals than ANY other president to date, or is on track to do so, no matter how one defines deport (returns vs. deporting vs. departures, can lead to semantic arguments) http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-m...st-janet-murguia-calls-obama-deporter-chief-/ http://www.thenation.com/article/17...rted-more-immigrants-any-president-us-history On it's face I do think there needs to be a responsible way to deal with the millions of undocumented aliens that are already here. It's easy to say deport them all, but who do you think picked the vegetables, and perform many other labors that most Americans won't do? I know it's a double edged sword as there are tax, revenue, and criminal considerations as well, but this is a complex issue that needs a scalpel, not a broadsword approach.
http://www.nytimes.com/2011/10/05/u...erican-workers-in-place-of-migrant-labor.html American workers white and black quit . The ilegals are doing it
It's not liberal bull, it's fact, don't take my word for it, after all it was George W. Bush once said on the topic that there were jobs, "Americans won't do." And yes they often are paid less than the minimum wage, that's the free market at work for both good and bad. Time and time again I read stories like the one below here in Arizona and elsewhere. Not to mention, that if said farmers and business men did hire Americans and paid a fair wage, with benefits, cover your ears, because the screaming and yelling about increased food, services, ect. costs from the average consumer would be DEAFENING! http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/why-americans-wont-do-dirty-jobs-11092011.html Obama has not left the border wide open, hence the major uptick in returns/deportations. Also if you read what is being proposed, the approx. 5 million that could get amnesty would not be permanent. Again, lets see what is actually in the executive order (most reports state that feedback is still being given) before making assumptions.
Didnt Ronald Reagan give amnesty to over 3 million people in 1986? What was the population then compared to now?
It's only temporary amnesty and once Obama leaves office all those illegals revert back to their previous immigration status. Executive orders I believe are only valid while the POTUS is in office.
An Executive order can only be reversed by another President or declared unconstitutional by a Supreme Court. It just doesnt automatically reverse when the President leaves office
The people who will be affected most by this decision will be underclass blacks. The silence is deafening. Denial, denial, denial. Jesse, Al where are thou.
Goodman, they have to see it to believe it. ....give it some time. ....A finite amount of the social service pie divided into even thinner slices to accommodate the new and the needy will open eyes when they see the new rations. ......
Lol Funny I've seen people alluding to that before Blacks embracing illegal immigrants wholesale because they don't see the long-term impact it may have on them
http://www.splcenter.org/get-informed/intelligence-report/browse-all-issues/2006/winter/la-blackout California, a hotbed for immigration, has been known for shit like this Some experts are wondering if more immigration will lead to more anti black violence Sad really, considering how chill relations are between us on the east coast in places like philly Some of my best friends were Latino