Getting rich while playing video games all day Ain't that amurica Meanwhile some doc makes a fraction of that and all that he does is bullshit like save lives, treat ebola know...nothing really important
Right..never mind the fact that it's exponentially easier (and cheaper) to become a teacher than it is to become an MD Teachers cultivate lives..I'll give them that...but when they have a 'bad day,' no one dies Nice try tho bobby p.s.-spend some time in the operating room, please
This. Before we start comparing salaries, let's remember the difference in responsibilities/ramifications of these professions.
Really There's been days where the same surgery was going on before I entered the OR and long after I left :smt018 Surgeons don't do 8 hours then punch a time clock with the rest of us They're expected to stay until they're finished and routinely do 60-80 hour work weeks Don't even get me started with the damage you can do with the slip of a hand I got relieved for tugging on a suture attached to an organ during a transplant I was new tho and stopped on a dime when the doc asked me wtf was I doing lol I just wanted to keep my field clear...was that so bad?
Management does this too. Whether I'm scrubbed up or not, I'm in until the last patient leaves. It's fine cause I'm in love with what I do but I can't imagine working this hard for just a "job". Clinical staff don't know an 8 hour shift lol
Oh right Let's not forget management Coming in on the weekends before a pay week to complete payroll Endless meetings Preparation for JCAHO surveys (ie telling the staff what not to say to inspectors) Taking the blame when something goes wrong (Murphy's law incarnate) Hard knocks life
Hahahahahaha Your last point is why I'm so particular about my team. I refuse to take the fall for dumbfucks. We're human, we make mistakes but if I can't trust your clinical competence or I think for a second you're putting the patient, me or the org at're out. There's very little room for mistakes in the medical field lol
Lol I dunno I've seen quite a few dumbfucks at the center of madness on the floor and they still bring home a steady paycheck Reminds me of the time someone came on board from Johns Hopkins and had a breakdown when they seen how trifling some stuff was My guess is that we give people chances at redemption because our organization spans several blocks and has a very high volume of work, which focuses on speed and completion, rather than quality Slip ups happen and if we really held people to a zero-fault expectation....there would be no one left
180k a year to be a GP or a radiologist? That shit is overpriced which adds to the insane bills that regular people can't afford. Being sick shouldn't mean complete financial ruination. It was the number one reason for bankruptcy before the crash. So either medicine is something you do to help or you see it as a way to get rich off the ailments of others.
I steered clear (way clear) of family doctors and radiology for a reason, lol Too easy to pick apart their high salaries, even when you factor in costs of school, responsibility and degree of difficulty (doctors are now surfing the web to research medical conditions when you visit them - I can do that myself :smt104) I do agree that it sucks that medical care costs so much tho and that many people simply can't afford it and are expected to struggle with their lives without any fucks given Don't even get me started on life sustaining medications or treatment like dialysis Definitely don't get me started on the costs of medical training here versus elsewhere in developed nations
That doc shouldn't of studied in bullshit courses, worked harder, work ed smarter, and network better.
Many providers are paid off of RVUs, not a salary. Their income is based off of the complexity of visits they treat. Anyways, I agree it sucks that people can't afford care. No argument from me there.
Like everything else its a damn racket. Does everything have to be for profit? This obsession with money is choke holding everything. Don't get me wrong I like making money as much as anyone but at least I don't dangle life and death in front of people for a premium that shit is gross.
Which turns doctor visits into fast food service. Get you in and out as fast as possible to serve the next customer so patients don't get quality care since the incentive is to get as many people in so you can make the most money you can. Medicine is obviously a noble profession, everyone from the orderly to the surgeon has my respect but it shouldn't come at the possible cost of my life. We are hitting a tipping point where technology is going to replace a lot of this overpriced bs. Watson will make GPs extinct.