A woman had btain cancer committed the past conservatives argued against not sue if they did now. Question: is it ok to do?
I believe she struggled to fight against the idea that she was committing suicide. She said many times that by no means did she want to die, but her body WAS dying. She chose to go with dignity before her illness took every bit of life out if her. She made an incredibly difficult decision that most would be too scared to make. With a terminal illness, I have no issues with what she did. If people don't agree, they should mind their own business. May she rip.
I don't have a problem with what she did. Felt bad that she had to suffer. Probably would have done the same thing myself. I remember been given demerol by a dentist years ago and if I'm ever in a similar position, a lethal dose of it may sound good with some Chicago deep dish while I watch Scooby.
There are legitimate reasons to commit suicide and Brittany Maynard is a perfect example. If you're suffering immensely from some illness, with no real means to recover, to try and live the rest of your life in pain is like trying to walk across a long road, barefoot, with needles and fire ants crawling all over your body and biting you. It's simply not worth it. Euthanasia is perfectly sound.
What someone chooses to do with THEIR life should not warrant debate Period But Once you realize that people in general are just labor pieces for any given corporation, you'll understand that your life really isn't yours You are born You grow up, work a job for 40 years until your body breaks down, then get put out to pasture Suicide on your own terms would upset that, which is why anything that remotely resembles it has been shunned for decades Once the stigma breaks down due to assisted suicides (the religious ones for sure ie eternal damnation) in terminally ill patients, what's to stop the masses from wanting peaceful death solutions on a broader scale? Many people are alive today suffering on some level, because the only way out is through a gruesome act of violence, dangerous drug overdose that could go wrong, etc Imagine the numbers if more people had access to physician assisted suicide
That's why we set boundaries, like we have for terminations. I agree with the point that what people do with their own bodies/lives is their own deal...but like anything there would still need to be limitations I think. I don't think people should be ending their lives because they had a bad month, but terminal illnesses are another story.
I think people should be able to do with their lives what they choose, regardless the circumstances surrounding it. Taking someones ability to think and choose for them self is taking away their free will. I might not choose to end my life because I had a bad month, but Sally might. Who are we to tell her that she cannot?
Yeah it can be a serious slippery slope. Trust me. I have been in and out of the hospital and bed-ridden since the end of 2008. So this year i was in the hospital total 3-4 months with two procedures. When i was in ICU my lunges was bleeding like a mofo. I was drowning in my own blood. Trust me... i was mentally beat. I was like fuck it. Lol All i had to do was not get the oxygen needed. It would had taken a long time to do it but i could have. The only reason i said fuck no ess when i talked to my daughter on the fone. So the laws muat be airtight to make sure theres no "i feel bad today" suicide. Thats not cool or make sure murders dont happen under that.
I have to respect her decision. She basically Thelma & Louise-d brain cancer. (Fitting since the grand canyon was the final dream act on her bucket list). May she rest peacefully now. She is with GOD because he understands. I would do the same thing ( but maybe waited a bit longer for my family's sake). But Im not going out as a comatosed vegetable hanging on by a thread.
Forcing someone into this world is damning act on its own No one makes a decision to be born and im sure many people wish they weren't Anything that happens to them is squarely on the parents that decided to consciously force another being to go through a life, laced with famous phrases like 'sink or swim' or 'dog eat dog' Not providing people with legit, easy and painless ways to escape the rat race should be criminal We should be upset that someone has to shoot themselves in the head, jump off a bridge or resort to any other barbaric methods to leave
Laws don't prevent suicide. Laws prevent doctor assisted suicide. There is currently no legislature that I'm aware of that addresses the 'other' kind... You know; the gruesome one where people come home and find their loved ones hanging in their own home, or their brains splattered on the bedroom wall.
Do what you gotta do. Only you know what's right for you based upon YOUR morals, YOUR values and YOUR beliefs.
Sally may not want help. Someone who truly plans on ending their life will do so. If you want to help Sally, allow her a dignified and merciful exit.
Seriously I'd rather be dead than homeless, going from one violent shelter to the next But instead of offering people simple solutions to leave this mess behind, we'd rather watch them suffer on the streets Instead of letting spiritually exhausted people rest in peace, we'd rather watch them become addicted to drugs or alcohol
Killing yourself because life is tough? Usually when I hear of such, it's some dude killing himself over a girl. Its less often related to a struggle unless you are talking about people killing themselves over the stock market.