Must be nice. Some of us have no choice. Every time I read that shit in the Youtube comments sections or comments sections of news articles, I can't help but wonder why the non-racist white people do not speak out against the racists? Taking qwils post from this very thread as an example, many blacks actually worry about the image that other blacks create of that America uses to stereotype us. I can't remember the last time I heard a white person reprimand another white person on their behavior on basis of making the race look bad. *Not directed at you Raider, just making an observation.
Well stated. I thought it was a brilliant statement in that its not rocket science or even accounting....its basketball for goodness sakes
He plays pro ball It really ain't that deep Most people were concerned about him kissing a white girl on tv
Yeah it was unprofessional but nothing deep. If you did that at the office then u will be at the HR office explaining yourself or in a sexual harrassment class
Just looked at the Youtube comments. This video might be the first that I've seen so much whites being vocal about toward other racist whites.
Wow. Touching on what u stated earlier.... Its disturbing how blacks can put down with the n----
It's not the first time I seen white people go to war with each other over racism The whole thing is stupid tho All he did was plant a kiss on the cheek Well I was more concerned about how blacks put down others with guns, but if that's what gets ur panties in a bunch......
I won't even feed those trolls and spin that video into race. The only draw backs I could make if I wanted to gripe was his choice of dialect and what could be considered unprofessional, but he's in the entertainment business so that doesn't surprise me at all. The move probably worked, Ole girl probably met him in the parking lot after the game anyway.
Its good white people talk down wp on racism. Doing nothing its like cosigning on it. On your response to my statement ...i say "good one"
I know, right In order to stop racism and bigotry, people of all colors need to check each other You can't be against racism towards your people, all the while accepting racist attitudes from within ur own ranks :shock: Lol Takes me back to roots, where buddy held on for dear life to his african name We can joke now but damn if that wasn't some brutal shit to live through
It will be more difficult to be racist in the future when more people are mixed and brown. I don't need to find out either, I heard about it...
Now I agree that the term nigga makes us look bad when said around non-Blacks in certain environments, i.e. a work setting. Now with that being said, that's not going to make me stop saying the word though, I say it when I'm around my peers. Tristan embarrassed himself by not acting professional while on live television. There are bigoted non-Blacks in the world that put us all in the same category. This is the reason why I stated that he made us all look bad.
When your race is the most socially and financially dominant in the world, why should you reprimand your own kind for acting up? Just my two cents.
Because wrong is wrong, regardless of social/financial dominance. People should grow a pair and do the right fucking thing once in a while. Jmo