Respect your elders young man! LMAO
Lol you shocked bruh? It's obvious that the old man did some boxing in his younger days, did you see how good his footwork was? The young dude was probably some wannabe MMA fighter lol
Well it goes to show you that technique and experience still counts It's like a 25 year old noob doing Jiu jitsu with a 60-70 year old Gracie It's only going to end one way because a veteran can identify every little hole in your game and exploit it That was a straight up ass whooping tho, lol
Exactly lol Respecting your elders speaks volumes and this idiot is a fool for taking on this sparring match. It's a lose-lose situation because if you knock out the old man you're an asshole and if he beats your ass you'll be a laughing stock lol