thug govt ,thug cops You just have to read it to believe it read the article for full report: In jurisdictions across the country, police are allowed to employ a tool called civil asset forfeiture, whereby they can seize money and property based simply on the assumption that it has been used for criminal activity. No conviction is necessary, and often, the police are allowed to keep some, if not all, of the property for themselves. Sounds like the perfect setup for overzealous policing and corruption, right? -----------;---------- Straight gangster huh? Some more thuggery God I love the 'cameras everywhere' generation
Cops dont care...they are bold as a mofo Thats why im gonna mount cameras all over the place in my car , house and body. Lol
The trip is though that like the nypd cop taking money from a guy while being filmed, this cop didn't care about being filmed while being a thug either it's like they know nothing will happen to them This cop was literally trying to twist this guys words to get him to admit to doing something illegal Complete slimeball
Really tho? Suicide from a shot to the back of the head? What is this shit??
Different Day, Same Shit, ain't nothin good in the 'hood Voices#comments They really need to gut check these kids killers before sending them to patrol high rise projects cuz, evidently, just being in a dark stairwell is enough for them to feel threatened :smt018
l read that when it came out last week. Yet another husband killing their wife whom they are supposed to love and protect. Tragic, effing tragic. So glad he has FINALLY been arrested after THREE YEARS. This also reminds me of that pathological cop in Chicago who drowned two of his wives and said it was suicide. I forget his name but he was so smug in interviews like he could beat the system. UGH! Horrendous. Un-reconcilable. If the cop truly accidently discharged, he has to live with that anguish forever that he took a man's life. Now If he fired bc he was suddenly startled then he had no business working the Projects. You don't fire just because you enter a darkened stairwell and hear noise, wtf .you can't just shoot blindly! As many times as I have grabbed my gun when there is a noise downstairs or outside, I never have my finger on the trigger, its always at the side of the trigger. How does a gun accidentally dischargeunless your finger was on the trigger?
Well Looks like they caught Paniro on film doing what he does best God bless the NYPD The look of surprise on everyone's face is astonishing Not... Frank Serpico....a man with bigger balls than anyone Man, this one hurts. Hope he rots in jail for ever!