Terrence Howard Owes $325K To Ex-Wifey- Claims Extortion & Blackmail

Discussion in 'Celebrity WW/BM Couples' started by 4north1side2, Jul 29, 2014.

  1. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    Terrence Howard Owes $325K In Spousal Support To Ex-Wife Michelle Ghent. Claims She Blackmailed & Extorted Him Into Agreement.

    Terrence Howard is headed back to court in an attempt to get his spousal support payments to ex-wife, Michelle Ghent, lowered. The exact amount he's shelling out isn't known, but according to TMZ, Howard believes the amount is "ridiculous" and can't afford it.


    The actor claims Ghent blackmailed and extorted him into the agreement. Since the divorce was finalized two years ago, Terrence has fallen $325,000 behind in payments. He also owes an additional $106,000 for Ghent's attorneys and accountant fees.

    Howard claims he'll never be able to afford the payments to Ghent because a large chunk of his income goes to another ex-wife, Lori McCommas, for child and spousal support.

    The Academy Award-nominated actor's Hollywood income goes directly to McCommas, who then cuts him a check. Howard estimates he takes home $5,878 a month.

    He and Ghent were married for one year.
  2. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member


    These dudes just don't learn.
  3. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    I am not sure if I am reading this post right. She blackmailed and extorted him into the agreement? Who wore the pants in the relationship? Was there a prenuptial agreement? Terrence Howard can pay them if he sold a couple of things. The celebrity wealth that is perceived by those of us on the outside, is slightly different. There is the case of the celebrity's inner circle(agent, manager, personal assistant, security, attorney, trainer, etc). So, it wouldn't be a surprise if they don't make a whole lot of money even if they are doing well. The voice actress who did the voice of Rudolph, The Red-Nosed Reindeer didn't get very rich after that. I am sure she gets residual checks during the holidays.
  4. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    As someone who works with famous athletes everyday, this kind of financial chaos is very, VERY common. Big money made by athletes and actors can go just as fast as it comes and if they have made seriously life compromising financial decisions (overspending, lavish lifestyle, divorce, child support, ect.) they literally find themselves slaves to legal debt and living a life of financial stress and misery.

    Alimony and child support are the usual financial life wreckers, which is why I am constantly advising my clients to CHOOSE WISELY (meaning go slowly and only date women of substance) in dating and marriage and ALWAYS have a pre-nup.
  5. South East London

    South East London New Member

    Fuck him!! The woman beating cunt !
  6. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    Or not to get married unless they are totally committed, right?
  7. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    Especially this. When you are this famous/successful, why marry at all? And choose who you reproduce with very carefully. That being said, unless she has a child with her, I don't see why this second wife is entitled to anything at all.
  8. jxsilicon9

    jxsilicon9 Active Member

    Of course he needs that money for baby wipes.Anyway,you have to be insane to get married if you're wealthy and famous. And you have to be insane to get married in states like California where they rake you over the coals with spousal support. Terrence Howard married for a third time. Some people just don't learn. Its like Wilt Chamberlain taught men nothing.
  9. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    Terrence Howard should've done what Tom Cruise did when he was married to Nicole Kidman. Get a divorce before the 10 year mark.
  10. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    It would be nice if you could have a 9 year expiration date for the marriage written into the prenub. It may sound ridiculous at first until you consider the divorce rate, and how it could nullify the need for a messy divorce. Of course there would be an option to renew the vows after 9 years which would be an excellent opportunity for romance.

    Marriage (the way it is now) seems to go downhill at some point, and maybe it's because it creates a false sense of certainty. " Until death do you part?" Is that for certain? Out of all the divorces, how many people actually thought that their relationship could end that way? If two people plan to be together for the rest of their lives why should they not challenge themselves to renew their vows after 9 years? The best part about it is if they don't renew their vows the marriage automatically expires and neither spouse is in a total rage because the outcome wouldn't be much of a surprise.

    The expiration date for the marriage could help prevent a couple from taking each other for granted, give them something else to look forward to, and prevent costly legal proceedings from a potential divorce.

    There is a problem with the divorce rate in this country, and if there is no solution, we could at least allow for a more accommodating option for ending a marriage.
  11. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member


    This guy is a colossal idiot

    ...who takes home a smooth 6k a month


    How is that logic?

    Guys with higher IQs than him are only making a fraction of that

  12. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    Bro messing up - columbus short
  13. FRESH

    FRESH New Member

    This is definitely true, I have a few close friends that have landed roles on tv and movies. They tell me, you really won't get by without that type of management, and by the time you pay everyone their dues, a million dollar check will come out to 100k give or take you personal situation. You really have to be a top earner, in demand, and careful with your money.
  14. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    Imagine how much professional boxers have to pay for trainers, sparring partners, masseuses/masseurs, corner men, cut men, water guy, etc. I am sure they do get paid handsomely.

    I am sure being Tiger Woods' golf caddy has its benefits.
  15. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    Most caddies make only a very small base (if that), and anywhere from 6%-10% of a players winnings depending on how well he did in that tournament. So finding a player that's playing well and consistently making the cut/finishing in the cash is crucial. A player who is missing a lot of cuts means he is not getting paid and is actually losing money due to the travel and entry costs, and so is the caddy. Some caddies for the well known names on tour do make a base salary and will gain some extra money by wearing the same sponsors as their players on their hats/shirts ect.

    Tiger's caddies have done very well as you might imagine, during one of his best years, the amount of money his caddy made would have placed him in the top 30 of the players money list! Although rumor has it that Tiger fired his first caddy for going after too many off the course endorsement deals.
  16. vilify

    vilify Restricted

    White girls do black men dirtier than anyone else.
  17. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    I guess you forgot about mike Tyson and robin givens

    Or the black chick who ruined a promising football player's career over fake rape charges
  18. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    Or the woman involved in the death of singer Sam Cooke.
  19. samson1701

    samson1701 Well-Known Member

    There, fixed it for you.
  20. vilify

    vilify Restricted

    No I didn't forget about any of them. However, White women in general have a special kind of disregard for black men. Nicole Simpson sleeping around with a waiter, heidi klum sleeping with her body guard, michael strahans ex wife stealing millions during their marriage, Amani toomers wife aborting several pregnancies during marriage. There seems to be a different level of disrespect they show black men. As a matter of fact this particular ex wife was accused of calling terrance a ni@ @er during their marriage.

    I'm not against interracial dating but lets not pretend that white women are even close to being perfect.

    Telling the truth got me restricted hahahahaha okay then cool.
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2014

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