Got damn So..... Not only are the kids parents two lesbians, but she's black in an all white town to boot Fun times ahead.....
That's a nice little pay day isn't it? but yeah she didn't get what she requested, so something needs to be done to stop it from happening again
Agreed. And I can tell you how to stop it - it's easy! Adopt yourself. I kept a BEAUTIFUL black baby last weekend that needs a family to adopt him. He's one of thousands lingering in foster care with no takers. Yeah, I'm declining to adopt him for selfish reasons. It's a sh**t ton of work for a single gal with a full-time job - and I'm not willing to make the sacrifice. People try to make me feel better by saying "he deserves a father." But the state can't find anyone to adopt him, and I can't sleep. His mom is a prostitute and his daddy her pimp. He's so sweet and gorgeous. I can't say nothin cause I aint't steppin up (so far) but hell, if I hear anyone in my rich white Christian community bicthin bout kids going from high school to jail, or bombing abortion doctors while this beautiful baby grows up homeless - I am going to lose my sh*t
Well yeah it's pretty selfish and very American to give into your own sense of entitlement, instead of adopting one of the countless babies or kids waiting for a loving home So many people have lost basic forms of humanity