Black women hating on your relationship!

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Alexis89, Mar 18, 2012.

  1. blackbrah

    blackbrah Well-Known Member

    Troll alert.
  2. kublai kahn

    kublai kahn New Member

    I can understand it from their point of view but the comments are fucking out of order because it polarises the races even more and contributes to this whole Black V White bullshit that's the source of the problem anyway.

    The feelings of rejection etc that probably cause these comments comes from faulty reasoning because the assumption is that said guy exclusively dates ww. The woman in question may be his first IR lover and he may have come from a background where he exclusively dated BW.

    Im not really sure where this black men only date white women thing comes from at any rate. As far as I can see in 2007 4.6% of black individuals were in W-B IR relationships. This means that most black guys are marrying black women. Perhaps the pre marital wick dipping mainly occurs in european waters but the wick generally sets on african shores.
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2014
  3. FRESH

    FRESH New Member

    Wick dipping, lol, haven't heard that one in awhile.
  4. IntoTheQCD

    IntoTheQCD Member

    Are you psychotic?
  5. Lucky1920

    Lucky1920 Restricted

    In my experience, black women thrive on negativity. When I use to date them, they seem to always want to find some reason to argue and complain. My happiness with them was always short lived. Since I've been dating white women I have noticed that black women have a lot of hostility towards my dates and I. Personally, I never gave a fuck about what other people thought about me or my choice in women. My advice to you is to enjoy what you have with this guy and block out the haters. At the end of the day they're not very important when it comes to your happiness.
  6. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    That's right. You only have one life. Live that life for you and no one else.
  7. Negus

    Negus New Member


    I have just come across your post. I am 50 yrs. old and I have a friend from Canada who is a "Blue Eyed" beauty from Nova Scotia! She is an attractive 52 yr. old, one hell of a dresser! She will put any BW to shame! She is always asked where she buys her outfits and she will look at the woman and say, "Actually he bought them." *LOL* Because actually I did. I like the woman I am with to look good walking beside me. She get's dirty looks from BW all the time. I get them too however; I stir right back. If you have something to say, say it! Other than that pay no attention to those "ignorant BW". I was married to a BW for ten (10) years and I could not take it anymore. She was always complaining about something or someone. Most BW are the biggest hypocrites! They walk around with everything fake on them: Straightened hair, horse hair, donkey hair, Indian hair, Filipina hair, everyone's hair but their own. They dye their hair blonde, wear blue contacts that look scary, and these fake-ass nails about one inch long with clothes that are too small for them. You are wasting your "valuable" time thinking of these BW. Enjoy your time with your man and kick that nonsense to the curb!
  8. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    Lets be honest, your bitch is a duck and she's not even putting 1% of black women to shame you self hating negro.
  9. Negus

    Negus New Member

    *L* You should talk, I am not a "self hating negro" as you state. I am not putting all BW down, just some on them. You don't even know you me you piece of shit. Your mother is a duck and probably one of the women that I speak of. *L* "Quack, quack"
  10. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    My mother 53 or 54 but is constantly told she by people of all races she looks to be late 30 or early 40.




    Real everything and a Nurse. lol @ you lying to yourself that your musty woman shits on black women.





    Last edited: Sep 23, 2014
  11. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Holy shit thought the first pic was your mom. Was about to book a flight homie lol

    Real talk why are we talking about black women on this site?
    Love all women but I'm here for them white beauties, thought you guys were too
  12. Negus

    Negus New Member

    WOW! She almost looks like my "ex" except my ex's breast were a little bigger, she is a pretty black woman but still messed up. *L* You have "SERIOUS" issues if you let a post get to you. This site has not changed a bit since I was on here in 2009. *L* WOW! You are not even worth my time.
  13. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    You didn't add any value to the site then and you still don't add any value now, scram.
  14. Negus

    Negus New Member

    Likewise I am sure! Go kill yourself! *Your a waste of human sperm* Your a "dick" and that's because your father left his penis in your mother too long.
  15. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Forgive me when I say this, but...

    Your mom is delicious!

  16. RicardoCooper

    RicardoCooper Well-Known Member

    Love how one hot mom (and we don't really know if it's North's mom) is now the norm, awesome
  17. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    That's not my mom.

    She has no kids.
  18. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    That should have been the first post in the thread.
  19. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

  20. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Then who is that woman!?


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