Heart broken for these young teens pushed to the brink.They must have felt so worthless.......... May their bullies rot in hell. The family of a 14-year-old boy who shot himself dead in a school bathroom have claimed he endured years of bullying at school. Lamar Hawkins III was found dead with a bullet wound to his head at a Seminole County middle school on September 11, just hours after being reported missing by his mother. Today at a news conference his mother, Shaniqua Hawkins, fought back tears and said she felt powerless to help her son against the bullies. 'It was a feeling I hope no other parent has to fear,' she said. 'They won, because he took his life as a result,' she said reported the Orlando Sentinel. 'We called him Shaq because despite his size, he had a larger than life personality and attitude towards life,' said Shaniqua Hawkins, Lamar's mother. 'Shaq was physically and emotionally abused while at school. Many students would be just down right cruel to him,' she said reported WFTV. She claimed he was pushed down the stairs, knocked out of his chair and mocked at lunch. 'The child was a relatively small child for his age due to complications early in life,' attorney Matt Morgan said Friday. 'As a result, he became a very easy target for mean-spirited bullies. According to Seminole County Sheriff's Office, Lamar's mother drove to Greenwood Lakes Middle School in Lake Mary to pick up her son at around 5pm, but could not find him. The boy's family then set out scouring the neighborhood for him, but to no avail. Sheriff's deputies were dispatched to Greenwood Lakes Middle School to search the campus, where they eventually came upon the missing boy, who was found in a men's room stall with a bullet wound to the head. Police said Lamar shot himself with a gun that belonged to his father, Lamar Hawkins Sr., 34. "We are still investigating the facts leading up to this tragedy and I can tell you that Mr. Hawkins' firearm was stored with full compliance of Florida law,' said Matt Morgan, attorney for the Hawkins family. Police are still investigating how he managed to get hold of the gun. No charges have been announced. Last week Matt Morgan told Wesh.com: 'We believe this child was bullied, literally to his death. 'He was tortured by mean-spirited children at his school and ultimately took his own life as a result,' said Matt Morgan, of Morgan and Morgan Law Firm. 'It was physical, it was mental, it was emotional. It was repeated attacks by individuals at this school that ultimately led him to make the final decision to end his life,' he said. .... One student told the Orlando Sentinel: 'This one girl was beating him up since sixth grade and he was in eighth grade and no one knew it really bothered him.' Also at today's news conference was Tricia Norman, whose 12-year-old daughter, Rebecca Sedwick, jumped to her death in September 2013 from a tower after months of alleged cyberbullying. Lamar's suicide prompted hundreds of mourners to gather for a vigil across the street from the Lake Mary school late Friday. *To donate to the fundraising effort against bullying : http://www.gofundme.com/Lamarslastwish
Have you met Avalynn? So you see NOW how many schools CONTINUE to fail bullied kids, just to cover their asses?
I've seen the story of this child, bloody horrific. My daughter was recently bullied at her previous school, I did everything right, wrote letters and had meetings, they replaced the Teacher but still my child was coming home with horror stories from the playground and unexplained bruises the size of jar lids. With some racial remarks from the offending children's parents I ended up calling in the Police. Only then did they take it seriously when Kent Police rocked upto the school, for the names and addresses of the parents and a download of the abuse my child had suffered. The police dealt with it in the end, which to me is a fu*kin joke that it got that far.
As a parent, I can't imagine much worse than knowing your child was being hurt when you're not around to protect them. If my child is bullied I swear it'll take everything in me not to tell off some kid. I know I'd need to be the bigger person but when mama bear comes out...sometimes it's hard to pull back. Shame on those parents for their remarks...the apples don't fall far from the tree. Smh. Hope your baby girl has an easier time going forward.
I used to feel sick dropping her off in the morning Worrying about it had me near breakdown honest to god! She's doing great now, she made a smooth transition into the new school and her summer break report was pretty impressive. She's always been in the top set but since the bullying started she went down to 2nd set in class and that's when I started to panic, she's always been leaps and bounds ahead (not bragging, honest!) but it must have had a severe affect on her mentally, as her work deteriorated quickly and I had to get her some tuition to enable her to be taught in a safe enviroment where she could concentrate. I understand that running schools are tough, but I expect to receive my child in one piece when I collect her, that to me is paramount and more important than interactive white boards and what not.
Unfortunately that solves nothing now that you are in jail and your child to feel safe at home needs you to be there
In this case, the school has become a bully as well. It is now time for huge lawsuits. These days Saty might be better off, his kid may live to see another day, while may go to jail, that's something to think about. Maybe parents need to start paying the ultimate price. Whatever happens to your child by the hands of another, you get to inflict the same punishment to their offending caretakers. You kid repeatedly kicks my kid in the face, then I get to kick you in the face repeatedly.
you are the best mom...most would keep sending their child to the same school expecting different results...you made the decision to change the environment and it turned out to be the best thing for both your children...I wish more parents were proactive to make change...
In this case....it's Mississippi. Justice isn't really something they are willing to exact. Too lazy beyond reproach, especially when dealing with race-related issues. I just died a bit more tonight after viewing this photo...and blood seems to turn to ember....
Absolutely breaks my heart into little pieces!!!!!! How the fuck, isn't here no investigation???!!! The monster who did that, however small and young, will go on to get worse if its not nipped now!!!!
Thank you Lippy, I did the best I could with the tools at my disposal, as far as I'm concerned I made all the right moves. Having been on that school's governor board for over 2 yrs, I know how the system works and going in all guns blazing making threats gets you nowhere other than banned from premises and the arseholes in the situation looking like the victims. It did not ultimately work out the way I would have liked it to, I would have been much happier with them addressing the wild animals in the playground. They are the losers in the end, that school needed pupils like my daughter and son who kept their attainment levels in the green (not them alone) and I now know of 3 children in Nina's class who have been removed for the same problems. In fact the head teacher has been removed as of last week and replaced by some trouble shooting superhuman or so my mate informs me. If they keep going the way they are going there will only be the dregs left and that's not good for ofsted results.
If somebody is bullying you you have to fight back...YOU HAVE TO! I've never been bullied,but I've had people try me and test me out. Sometimes people just want to see if you have heart. Fight back and keep fighting,win lose or draw and they'll leave you alone.