I own every Apple phone, I like Apple products, but I just don't get as excited as I used to when they announced. Nonetheless I still have my curiosity about what the rolling out next. You hear all the rumors and it does start to get your mind wondering. I think the biggest news people are watching for is the iWatch. Personally I'm not really looking forward to their watch, I actually pre-ordered another watch that not many people know about I think is well advanced over a fabled Apple watch. I'm going post about my new watch when it comes in October. What do you guys think will be revealed and announced?
No tread for the thread... ...Any rate, we got: iOS 8 iPhone 6 - slightly larger, slimmer and rounded like the first few generations. A few new tricks, same colors. iPhone 6 Plus - the largest of the two new phones 5.5in. And the fabled AppleWatch - a add-on for the phone basically.
I'll be pre-ordering a Verizon iPhone 6 Plus. This will be my third iPhone (trading in my iPhone5). I have become quite the Apple fan. I also have an iPad2 3G, and 13-in. MacBook (both issued from my job). I do understand why Samsung has the following that they do as my work phone is the Galaxy S4
Bleh. I had the S5 for a week and couldn't stand it one day longer. Went right back to AT&T and got another iPhone5S. The Galaxy S5 had a big screen but I'm 33 and not blind enough yet to need that lol...plus it didn't fit in one hand and that drove me insane. Personally I'm an apple girl through and through. I'll be getting the new 6 and giving my ex husband my 5S (cause he's got a 4 and I'm just nice like that lol).
I do feel like the Apple watch was kind of a hail mary. The phones are only getting NFC which been out, what?! The next generation will have to be out of this galaxy to impress me.
You are way to nice. You should keep that joint, use as your house phone. I have two older versions that I use as house phones with my google voice number. No cell or data, just uses the wifi.
LOL, I hear ya. I'm definitely an iPhone person which is why I have one as my personal phone. I chose the S4 (Aug 2013) because I saw no point in carrying two iPhones, and it would be helpful in getting familiar with them since I'd have to configure them at work. While I generally like the S4, I don't like the qwerty keyboard. I'm always mistyping (I'm a fast texter) when texting and my fingertips aren't all that wide . I also think that using the iPhone is a lot more intuitive than the Samsung phones. I will say that the S4 camera (and video quality) is clearly superior to Apples's camera/video. Also... You are nice to give you ex an upgrade. I can say that I'd do the same for my ex, but I'm sure she's upgrading to the iPhone6 as well.
Lol so much Android hate! You don't have to be blind to appreciate this big, beautiful screen. I can't help it, I like my big-ass phone :freehug: Ah, I see what you did there. Have you tried using Swype? It takes a while to fully get used to and it tends to auto-correct too much but once you get the hang of it you'll wonder how you ever texted without it.
yeah but i dont like the feature where they replace the credit card. sounds like a recipe for trouble
I'm actually getting my daughter a phone for her birthday in November, so I could pass it on to her. She's turning 10 and "needs" a phone lol (her words ). For my home phone I have to have a landline so that I can buzz people through the gate at my house. The security system won't permit a cell number. Not sure how google numbers work? I don't even know my home number...never use it, its' sole purpose is for the gate! iPhones are definitely more intuitive. No.doubt. As for texting on your samsung, see below... The only thing I even remotely enjoyed was swipe. I text all day every day and swipe shaved a few seconds off the text-time used each day lol. You keep enjoying that big ass phone love lol. When common sense kicks in, the apple group here will accept you with open arms!
All I know is that I was defending Apples innovation process before, but know I'm starting to see. That commercial for the Samsung (I can't remember the name), rings true, iPhone 6 is just now getting technology that Android has had for several years. Their excuse is to say that it pushes their new pay function, but that's what Android was trying to do already, again! This doesn't necessarily mean that their overall functionality sucks, but I'm looking for more, for much better, more timely innovation. I don't think it has anything to do with Jobs being dead and Cook running the show, they just need to do better and that watch isn't cutting it either. The watch is a tough sell because you don't want it to be so good that it makes calls as well, it would knock all their other platforms out. "iPhone 7" will have to be something to behold, a work of genius for me to stay on board.