I'm sure this rings bells to some of the guys here definitely, although I never got beat up over it http://news.yahoo.com/high-school-girl-taunted-beaten-bus-stop-acting-035032786.html That's taking it to another damn level
Never got beaten up over it, either, but I definitely remember getting the taunts. This crap is getting serious. I'm getting tired of violence being the answer for every possible issue.
How was she acting like a white person? Was it the clothes she wore, or how she spoke and carried herself? Was it the fact that she was a light-skinned black girl? I had heard the sideline comments about my command of the English language many times in passing. I had been teased and ridiculed for that a lot in my middle school and high school days. But not physically attacked, thank God. This incident made me wonder what was the justification in the attack in the first place. The attacker committed the assault and ran away. It reminds me of the film School Daze, Spike Lee's examination of racism within the Black race. The scene where the light-skinned(or biracial) Wannabes and the dark-skinned Jiggaboos were in conflict singing Right Or Wrong Hair in that jazzy musical number. The Jiggaboos were racially aware and passionate about their place in the world. The Wannabes were optimistic and sure about where they were going and had their light skin to give them a perceived advantage even though their attitude seemed clueless and dismissive. This was that battle revisited. But, Spike Lee did not direct this action and the music of Bill Lee(Spike's dad) was not heard. These two girls, no doubt, are young and impressionable. Jealousy and resentment were the triggers here.
Yup I figured id post it because i remember some of u guys wrote about your experiences Sometimes we hold each other back over dumb shit like this
I wish a nigga would. Kids at that age suck but I was lucky enough to go to a school where most of the other black kids didn't speak "black" It's just one of the many ways the stupid amongst us try to impede progress because they are scared to death of change.
This doesn't surprise me. It's been this way for years. I got beat up a few times as a kid for the very same reason. It happens. Kids are mean to one another. I don't think it's the earth shattering crime people are making it out be. I also got picked on by the white kids 'cause I was black and had a weird (to them at least) name. I think the bully girl was just looking for an excuse to justify beating up on the other girl. Her proper grammar skills just happened to be something that little hood rat in training could latch on to. If it was not that she would've found some other reason to eat up on her. To be fair though, I was a kid in the late 70's. And, I have no children of my own. So, I'm woefully out of touch with what's going on with kids now. I could be really off base here. But, I think someone needs to tell kids, like this little girl, to grab a rock and start beating the shit out of their attackers. Even if they lose the fight word will get around that she/they are not going down easily. Bullies will leave them alone. It worked for me. I don't know. Is that even still considered good advice to give a child who's being bullied? Especially, since people are so gun happy and they are permanently throwing kids out of school for B.S. offenses?
This, a thousand times THIS. I got teased a little, a few oreo comments in high school, but nothing beyond that. Now that I have kids of my own, they are prepared mentally and physically for any racial nonsense that may come from others. They know exactly who they are and how awesome they are as individuals, believe that!
I've definitely raised my kids to understand their value as human beings so if anyone comes at them with nonsense, they should consider the source and simply walk the fuck away. With that said, my kids also know that if anyone is beating on them they have every damn right to fight back. I won't tolerate my kids bullying anyone, but I'm also not raising any doormats. If someone's on them, they know I'll back them for defending themselves. "You teach people how to treat you by what you allow, what you stop and what you reinforce"...words I live by and raise my kids by.
I was never beaten up being "light-skinned," but I was taunted in school for not sounding and acting "black" enough. Looking back, some kids feel the need to personify stereotypes even if their environment doesn't provide for those examples. I think it may be easier to put on this bravado rather than try to fit whole staying true to themselves. As far as the dark-skin, light-skin "war" over the years, I think that people tend to lean a little bit more to the fairer skin counterparts. In my experience, people think fairer skin people look "exotic" and "beautiful." I'm never surprised about fights about fair skin.
Sounds precise to me. I grew up in a neighborhood were I had to start fighting at a very young age. I hurt one guy so bad his mother chased me for at least 30 min. Well......he didn't fuck with me anymore.
I never had this problem growing up but I feel for you brothers that did. This is some self-hate shit that is passed down from the parents. I only got picked on because my ears were too big. :smt043
they called you satellite. lol. yeah its some self hating shit. i always ask "tell me....what does a white person sound versus a black person?"
Thinking back, I bet a foreigner who's English was broken would be more accepted then the person who was talking with only proper English rules, or "white slang".
Not tooting my own horn and I love my mom for it( could have afforded to move but wouldn't),, book wise hell yea I was smart and could have and should have went to college, peer pressure a mofo had to play the part lol, my adopted kids had the same 1st grade teacher as I had so go to open house recognize her, pulled a $100 out of my wallet offered it to her to tell me who I was poor lady had no idea ( could see the wheels turning) Put her out of her misery told her my name ,, shock was a understatement ,, I kid you not she looked at my wife and kids and said prison not a career with at & t,, sad but true story
College is not the barametor for success, its more about whether you like what you do or not. I believe a good formal education is an excellent foundation for a lifetime of learning, but its certainly not what ultimately determines your overall quality of life and success, its only an optional factor. From some of your posts it seems you may have beat some long odds by making something of yourself and avoiding the wrong path, I would have never been able to do the same without my mothers relentless patience and love, so I certainly see where you are coming from. With that said its never too late to go if you later change your mind. I'll be going back once again to complement my background in technology because its a passion. However, knowing that I will be in Florida for at least 3 straight years without having to ever leave makes it a nice bonus.
lol..running the dozens in hs was great. of course i did very well in that area on the school bus. yeah hitting em on the school bus. made many of people cry.