Biracial men?

Discussion in 'The Attraction Between White Women and Black Men' started by SirNice, Jul 24, 2014.

  1. SirNice

    SirNice New Member

    I am speaking solely in reference to dating...the whole premise is that if a white woman love dating a black man, then the blacker the better right? Therefore, one may deduct, rather falsely or truthfully, that desirability is inversely related to the amount of european ancestry. Calling someone's biracial kids watered down is not what I said. This is strictly dealing with dating. And it has nothing to do with racism. You cannot even talk white and black without someone screaming racism, this has aggravated me for the longest time. I have been black even before I was born, I know racism. I have been a victim of racism enough times to understand its reality. At the same token, I am not shackled by it. Actually I am one who think that a person have their own right to believe whatever they want to. If it is racist thoughts, then so be it. People are going to believe what they want to, so I welcome discussion with this people. I prefer to have people that maintain such thoughts to openly share them. Then you know who you and what you are dealing with. Not to say that I am friends with them because you better believe I will hand them their azz when it time for them to be served.

    But going back to the original point, if a woman love black men why do they love 1/8 black men the same?If the woman dates multiple races then I understand. But if a white woman only dates black men then I need more investigation. I for one don't understand how a person only dates one particular race, but that is another topic.
  2. SirNice

    SirNice New Member

    ok I understand what you are saying...but do you date white men?? If you don't then there is some line that is drawn. If there is a line, why does it exists? Additionally, if this line does exist; how can a man that borders this said boundary be equally as attractive as the man that occupies a distant extreme of this polarity?
  3. SirNice

    SirNice New Member

    I never mentioned skin color and I never mentioned discrimination.
  4. SirNice

    SirNice New Member

    Your point being?
  5. SirNice

    SirNice New Member

    You are not watered down to me because I don't solely date white women. Now if I did date only white woman and you were 1/4 black, then you may be less desirable. Do you understand now what I am asking?
  6. satyr

    satyr New Member

    Anyone see the trailer for Interstellar? That's a wormhole you see at the end of it.

  7. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    I do date white men, but it is rare. Iv still don't draw some arbitrary line of blackness and don't understand the 'the darker is better'. As I said skin color is not a part of my dating criteria.
    I think you make it more clinical thant it really is. I think its hard, for me at least to tell you what it is that draws me to black Americans. And to clarify, I like the clean cut business type. I have never said 'he is too light'. I think perhaps it's a specific body type I like that I seem to find more often in black men, than white men. Granted, that is not end all, I have to have both intellectual and sexual chemistry and if I can't click intellectually it doesn't matter how hot he is.
    I'm not american and I find very little, generally in white american men that syncs with me. Culturally, this is a whole other discussion. But on the other hand, I dated 'outside' since I was 18 and I left Sweden when I was 30.
  8. SirNice

    SirNice New Member

    well you said it right there, you date white men. therefore, no boundary exist
  9. Stizzy

    Stizzy Well-Known Member

    What's the deal with all the fractions? Accept the "black man" title and keep it moving. All of us are mixed up. I'm dark skinned with a red undertone. That's Native American dashed in there and personally I don't give a fuck. I'm black and I'm proud. Just my 3 cents.
  10. SirNice

    SirNice New Member

    Ok thank you for sharing. I am sure that you are very knowledgeable about your heritage. But let me sharing something interesting with you. Many afroamericans believe that they have native american ancestry when in fact they have european ancestry. The average aftro-american (not ones listed as biracial ) have about 15% european ancestry.
  11. Stizzy

    Stizzy Well-Known Member

    Question: Why does it matter? Are you not content with being called black? You would rather be called europeack? (European and black)
  12. SirNice

    SirNice New Member

    Why does it matter? Well to me I am one who loves the truth. I love learning all that I can learn. I prefer not to rely on heresy, but build up from a foundation of truth. I am just sharing knowledge my brother. Many people do not know what their actual heritage is. It is not a slap in a face. I am here to share what I know and I expect other members to do the same. I don't really care what someone calls me, because I am far from thin skinned. Your reference of "europeack" is very interesting because it delves into why many afro-americans may prefer to have a native american heritage over an european one. For one, we all know how a lot of us afro-americans were birthed with european heritage. Slave owners impregnated their slaves. I really believe that this practice was not uncommon. Did you know that a mulatto young woman and not the "mandingo" warrior type male was the highest priced slave. Now why is that? Slave owners wanted someone to have sex with. Thus consciously and subconsciously, this port of heritage wanted to be ignored and forgotten by both parties. In return, if you are black and had some type of european feature we would say that we are of native american lineage. Who want to be thought of bastard kids resultant of raped slaves? We want to be known as descendants of proud indigenous people. Descendants of chiefs and princesses, brave warriors and all. And not secret children of evil horny white men.
  13. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    So since this is about dating, do you actually date any white women & if so do you ask any of the white women you date these types of questions about biracial men? Just asking because your whole curiosity in regards to white women & if they consider biracial men "less black" comes across as someone who is naive when it comes to actually dating interracially. Which is why I brought up my observations about black males being hung up on biracial individuals & their being seen as "black".

    Also what is this "I have been black even before I was born" you speak of? You make it sound as if you're somehow unique and none of us other black males have ever had to deal with any racism or other race related issues.
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Don't hurt em hammer. Ra be killing it damn lol
  15. SirNice

    SirNice New Member

    I date white woman and I do indeed ask questions. And not about just race but about everything. I am open enough to discuss most any topic regardless if it sounds politically incorrect, naive, or whatever. If I have a question, then I ask it. The problem with these boards is if someone ask a question, this forum automatically get defensive and in fact become offensive. I simply ask a question to spark discussion. I never said I what my belief is on the topic, because really I am not the intended target audience (that would be white women that date black men). So really I do not understand how I am being accused of holding all of racist thoughts and insulting biracial people. I merely asked a question seeking a response. If one does not want to engage the question, then ignore it and keep moving. If you would like to entertain the question, thank you.

    On a side note, not trying to be funny but I thought you were a white mistake.
  16. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    No, the problem is if you are someone who dates interracially as you claim then you shouldn't need to start a thread to ask a rather naive question. Further more you've made a lot of broad & negative assumptions in this thread for someone who wants to spark discussion. For example, why are you claiming you are being accused of having racist thoughts when no one here has said anything of the sort?

    On a side note, clearly you don't actually want to engage in any meaningful conversation with anyone here otherwise, you would have paid attention to one of my earlier post in this very thread where I responded to you saying that I was a FATHER of biracial children. So either you're not very bright or you were trying to be funny by assuming I was a white woman.
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2014
  17. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    I don't really care one way or another, a person can say whatever they want, but there are both social and genetic realities. A person may be genetically 50%, 25%, 12.5%, whatever. If it's visible, you generally get categorized. That's just the way the US works (and many other countries to a greater or lesser extent). I don't sit around breaking down percentages to anyone. Blackness is a social reality, whether or not you are 100% sub-Saharan African. I think there is just as much obsessing about not being categorized as black as there is in the other direction. It begs the question: why obsess about it at all?
  18. SirNice

    SirNice New Member

    Ok I will leave it alone bro. I was not trying to be funny, thus I am not very bright obviously. I type on these boards in between doing many other things. I don't know anyone on here, so when I am responding to different people I may mismatch the names or whatever.
  19. SirNice

    SirNice New Member

    Why is it that when a person ask a question, it is an obsession? or it is something negative. What is the point having the ability of reflection if you do not use it. I simply asked a question. I have a million other things that I obsess about, like why is the IRS saying I owe them 10K, will my short sale deal come through, should I find a cash buy next week, what days am I flying to see my son next week, what is going on with my uncle and his job, can I paint my aunt's for here next week, will I be able to pull off a hot date next tuesday, should I rent to this interested tenant or such I use a property management service for this property, how should I tend to my strained shoulder, should I buy another investment property or should I buy a nice car, should I visit my cousin next week, do I want to take this job in Wyoming or not...these is all the real things I just thought about this morning...sometimes I come here for a release but guys on this board are so defensive it is almost a waste of time...which is why I always leave. If I posted a thread about how I love white women in daisy dukes I would have gotten 100 checks already...haha
  20. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Let me help. Don't take the job in Wyoming. :smt043:smt043:smt043

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