thats how low the raiders are.....people didnt realize the still a professional team. lol ooohh.. i found a couple of more rounds. (as the bullets from the m-16a1 rifle fires rounds over my head and im getting rounds out my pocket for my 6 shooter...of course im cool as always)
Did you honestly just reference Andy Griffith in your failed attempt at a come back?! :smt043 Lol that was before my time GL, fast forward a few decades and we can talk lol. I'm just gonna stop you right there...because I agree wholeheartedly
lol....andy g. is the joint. no matter how many times i seen an episode.....i still laugh. shoot, give me "leave it to beaver", "my three sons" , "bewitched" and "the beverly hill billies" and you will here laugh so loud.
should Ray Rice had receive a harsher punishment of a 2 game suspension for domestic violence in the elevator? note: his then fiancee now married him? also, the D.A. are pretty much being lenient on him?
I don't think he should have been punished at all. Although it was wrong,what does that have to do with his on the field performance? Let's keep the convo on Ray Rice,not Ray Lewis,Aaron Hernandez,Plaxico or whoever this doesn't pertain to.
I understand his point to a degree. On one hand it sucks that his off the field shenanigans affect his work but on the other hand he's not just some joe blow plumber...he's a professional football player and as such the spotlight is on him. The league needs to maintain some level of behavioral expectations from their players, on and off the field. As for the 2 game suspension, I go back and forth. At the end of the day, I wasn't there. I only saw his piss poor behavior when the doors opened. Without the full, TRUE story, who are we to assume there should be more than a two game suspension? Seriously, the woman ended up marrying him, they're not struggling to pay their bills or put food on the table so I couldn't care one way or the other. The league just needed to send a message that they don't condone his actions...they're not trying to change a potentially abusive persons behavior with a 2 game suspension. It's a business, they had to do something.
the media is up johnny manzeils butt especially due to his off the field acts. will johnny be a bust?
lol. lol. why you say that? for me.....something about him crosses me. i think the media is too much in his business...its a turn off to me.
His arrogant attitude makes me want to punch him in the throat. It's his overall immaturity/lack of professionalism that reminds me of Jamarcus Russell. You remember how that turned out for my boys, right? Not well lol I hope he either grows the fuck up and recognizes (and appreciates) the opportunity he's been given in the NFL...or busts and goes to baseball
yeah, thats a perfect way of saying it. .....immature and least in perception . thats what crosses me. lol...russell. lol