The more you have, then the more a woman would want from you. This has been my experience. I am not independently wealthy or anything, but I do ok. Women usually want to snap you up and make something serious out of it, or they want you to provide for them. When you really analyze it, it rarely falls out of that realm. That is why when I first meet women I try to down play most things that I have going on. Now when I was a struggling college student, it wasn't that way at all. But as a struggling college student I had to expend much more energy to get a woman's attention then now. So basically when you have money, capturing women's attention is easy but the trappings are buyers be aware. When you are broke, getting women's attention is difficult but when you do win one, it is more sound. But back to the case, for some reason she murdered the guy. Apparently she has done this before. Maybe she was stealing from him or something. I would warn guys, be careful because I have heard stories about well to do guys being murdered by women (term being used loosely). Especially if you drink and use sedative medications, please be wary of the company you keep.