Why are you presenting your anecdotal situation as fact? I wasn't attacking you or your choices tgats why I said most not all. Need glasses old lady lol
google executive tricking and elliott todgers goes on a shooting spree cause he gets no play.... both had money both no relationships
Hahaha says the man 6 weeks older than me :freehug: You said you NEVER see it...I was excited to be your first that's all. Plus I was outlining that maybe you don't see it because you're closed off to it. You see what you believe to be true, not necessarily whats reality. I think people in general are biased that way. We see the world through our experiences and even when things arise to question what we believe to be true, often times we don't value it with as much weight as the things that reaffirm our beliefs. Just my 2 cents. Carry on youngin
You know what you bring up an interesting point. So would you say your situation is normal or the exception to the rule and being that you're a single parent who has already gotten married don't you think that contributes as well grandma?
im talking the fact of him tricking. also cnn reported silicon valley is tricking deep. the hooker said on cnn techies are money deep and paying well.
Hahaha grandma....shit you're lucky I love the hell out of you!! My situation is the norm based on my experiences and the experiences of those that surround me...just like you think you're correct based on your experiences and what you've seen. Which of us is factually correct...don't know. I believe it's safe to assume its me though :smt080 Not sure what contribution my being a divorced single parent adds?
When's the last time you went to a party thrown by your friends, TDK?? How about getting yourself invited to a wedding, maybe one of THE best places to meet single women to date. Or just go out early into the city one Saturday morning without a plan and go shopping, see a movie, do shit and see what females you run into?? You're creating your own reality IMO. No one meets as many shallow and superficial women as you claim, and if you think that you are you really need to ask yourself why am I drawn to these type of women?? I think when you go on a dating site TDK, for your purposes the ONLY hard criteria should be college or some college and everything else should be open. Choose those profiles to contact that touch you on a human level, not just the ones with the most beautiful profile pics or the head cheerleader types. And since it's just dating I don't think you should be thinking about longterm relationship potential so you don't lock yourself down on only women of a certain age. I feel like you're only swinging at 21-26 year olds and it might help to add 5 more years to your search. Lastly, you need to focus IRL on being POSITIVE. Not cocky or stroking yourself, but having an optimistic positive vibe, even if you think you're bullshitting yourself. You can't be hard to the world and expect a random female to be drawn to you who wants to jump between the sheets. Just saying more often than not you come across as extremely pessimistic in posts, and if that's reflected at all in your real life personality I can promise that you're turning chicks OFF after talking for 5 minutes.
No you guys just want everything to be sunshine all day. One more time for the slow kids I don't have any problems getting women. The advice ain't needed. If I...... never mind carry on fellas. Just don't reply to my posts or put me on ignore.
Ask any chick who has spoken to me off this forum if I turn anyone off. Sorry the truth sucks so much.
Ok good for we can agree to disagree. I don't let how good my personal situation is cloud how things actually are for others but glad your world is good youngin
Possibly. It's unfortunate but my family is here so here is where I stay. There are some wonderful amazing people here but the cost of living forces you to be money conscious. Every area has its challenges. I'm sure the lack of intellectual diversity woud drivev me crazy in the south.