"You're so articulate." "I'm sorry but we don't carry cocoa butter." "Hey I just got the deluxe Blu-ray of Gone With the Wind, you wanna watch it with me?" "I'm not sure if you wanted mayonnaise, but I told them to go head and put it on there." "My last boyfriend bought me a strap-on as a joke, but we actually tried it and it was fun. I still have it." "I think you should grow an afro." "You kinda remind of this guy I used to work with named LaTory." "My parents are old-fashioned. I told them you went to college and have a good job, so don't worry." "I went down on him a couple of times, but there was no chemistry so we stopped dating. He's a really good friend though." "Who's your favorite Friends character?
"I hate watching sports" "Why are you using lawry's seasoning salt?" "I thought you people couldn't swim." "My dad is a klansmen." "Why do you only use Trojan magnum condoms?" :smt043
Your visiting your new white princess at her house in the burbs. She looks out the window and says, "Dammit, a bunch of niggers just moved in across the street. Sorry, I don't mean you. You're different. "
"I want to see your dick." "I have a sister that weighs 500 lbs and digs black meat." "I felt so empowered when watching Red Tails." "Wow! I didn't know that Africans made so much shit beyond peanut butter!"
I don't like it. It is not a joke to me though. These are people from different backgrounds trying to navigate hundreds of minefields. I opened this to truly see what I don't know about the man I am incredibly interested in and anything I may do or say because I am completely ignorant and unaware. I would hope someone would care that way for me too. HOWEVER, as I was writing that, I knew it was not right. If you are a man and I am a woman, getting to know one another should have zero to do with race. BUT CIRCLE AGAIN and we all know it does. I truly like this dude but I am not confident in dating any man, let alone one who may or may not ever care if I make a wrong move at dinner with his mom.
It's not so dramatic. Some of these things you can get away with saying imo, but nothing from the first list. Just be you, if it's not working better to find out early. As for not messing up with mothers, treat them like the CEO of a big company you've just joined, eventually more informal motherly interaction will be initiated by her.
A girl I was dating avoided touching my hair when we were "intimidate", I noticed and asked her why, she said she thought that was a rule. *face-palm* Obviously you can touch a black guy's hair when you're having sex, so I hope people don't take these "rules" as complete restrictions LOOL
I have personally heard every one of these: "I don't wanna sound racist, but..." "Racism wouldn't be such an issue if you didn't keep bringing it up." "The Irish had it just as bad." "It wouldn't keep happening if they would just obey the police." "I could never date a black guy." "You have to understand, it was a different time." "It's not that I don't like black people, it's just..." "I like your church better. You all really get into it!" "You're not like most black people." "I like that you're black but you're not black black." "I'm blacker than you are." "I don't see color." "The problem with black people is..." "I wouldn't mind being racially profiled." "It's not fair, you're just naturally more athletic." "Black guys are just automatically more muscular." "I just think it's easier if you date/marry your own race." "It would be so fun to have your body for just a day." "No I didn't see you take anything, but I think you're stealing." "I feel like I was supposed to be black." "You're not at all what I expected from a black guy." "You just like(/don't like) him(/her/them/it) because you're black." "Everyone gets discriminated against in one way or another." "Everything's set up for you guys. I wish I had it that good." "It's not racist, it's just a preference." And just for fun... "Prince/Michael Jackson/2Pac/Biggie is overrated."
I dunno, I definitely know some guys (and gals) in to the "white woman with racist ancestry digs black guys now," but there's a very fine line on that one!