Let me translate this for you: My acting career isn't going as well as I need it to to build a steady future on. He won't marry me or give me an ATM ... er ... I mean baby. So, fuck it, I'm going back home where my money goes farther and prepare myself for an average but hopefully comfy life. That's why I need to go back to school cause I'm sure as he'll not waiting tables when my nest egg runs out. Also, school back in Boston is a great idea cause I can meet a rich guy (lots of biotech money in the area) who'll be impressed by me because, let's be honest, at my age rich guys in LA ain't checking for women like me.
Fox is middle-aged, has two children, and already walked the aisle once. From an evolutionary standpoint, he's a success. He is a three-time NBA champion and an actor. From the standpoint of American social construction, he's also a success. A man who doesn't need to have anymore children or marry again is a problem for a woman who wants those things. I once stood in the same checkout line at Target with Dushku, she's a beauty and will be fine.
You think her money will go further in Boston? Shit its mad expensive there too. She can still meet a dude who will give her everything she's gorgeous and a bunch of our former wet dreams. If I had Rick Fox money I'd be going at her hard
Wow! You are right. Just looked it up. Didn't seem that bad when I was there in 06. But, to be fare, I got remembursed for everything I spent while I was there, plus my fees. So, it wasn't like I was spending my money. Rich dudes here are looking for younger, hotter and younger still. Women get past a certain age, they better hope they got a back up plan or get used to dating working class guys. But, if I were still single, and ran acrossed her out somewhere, I'd holla. Money be damned! ...lol
Rich guys(straight and at any age) will always get younger and hotter women. Older women simply want a guy that is responsible and reliable and able to hold their end in the relationship. Either way, a "good" job or a notable net worth is a plus. It is like that for women all over the world. As to Ms. Dushku, I would be sure to have a good occupation and not live at home with mom. And, most important of all, allowing her to expand as a person. Which is what she wants to do.