Don't get too gloomy. I agree that is the default setting for much of society, but it is not everyone. I know I keep boosting librarians, but seriously...there are lots of smart deep women who could care less about what a guy looks like. They're not the people that society gives any light to, because it's, well... society.
True story, but I never seem to meet any. Always seems like a myth. Taking a much needed vacation in a couple of weeks. I might have to hit up Jamaica, Costa Rica, or DR. I need to be in a place where people don't have much but seem to find a reason to be happy and fucking smile.
Sounds like a plan. Get some sunshine and R&R. You might just be burned out on commercial or mainstream culture. That ish is hard to take even for the hardened soul.
I think its my job, I'm around Wall St. types on daily basis. I like making money but its not what I want my whole existence to be about. Most of these mofos are on some real Wolf of Wall st. shit. I think that's where a lot of the discontentment is coming from because being around this dudes who have so much (a few guys on our team are clearing checks in the 300k+ range) and still aren't happy. It's like a bottomless pit that can never be filled. It's insane.
Don't confuse lust with reality. Any woman or man who has substance will look for the same in a potential mate.
Time to find a new job then. If you aren't content in your job, then it makes the rest of your life not as much fun. Money isn't everything.
LMAO!!! I can't say I totally disagree with you. But there are people out there, myself included, that are not stopping until they find a suitable mate with substance.
you ain't lying sister but I just got this one but I gotta stick it out for awhile. Truthfully I like what I do just not fond of the people. Hopefully I can figure out a way to do it by myself and life out in the midwest or abroad somewhere. Now that's the dream.
Yeah, that financial sector is dog eat dog. I had a buddy up there in Goldman Sachs' IT division and he spent most of his romantic life (before marrying) being cagey to ensure that the woman he was dating was really into him, not his pay stub. That would suck. He managed to find someone and now he's in Brooklyn playing house, lol. I'd rather be happy with $100K (still a respectable sum) than miserable with $300K. Don't let work absorb all of your energy or be your entire life. Get to more lectures, book signings, films, etc. Hell, go stare at the ocean and have a coffee or tea. Anything to break that cycle.
You missed your calling as a life coach my friend lol. I was actually thinking of going to a Okcupid hosted game night next week. I think it's time to go outside more lol
Go for it! Seriously. Nothing wrong with online social events. I've done Critical Mass bike rides in Miami through, w/o necessarily looking to hook up, just to enjoy the ride. The more varied your circles, the more likely you will meet someone on that different wavelength you're looking for. As for life coach, I'm no expert by far. I've only got the few insights I do have from going through my own "dark night of my soul", losing everything and starting over. And if I can throw out an idea or two that might help someone avoid going as low as I did, I'm happy to do it.
Well you my friend are an example. We're lucky to have dudes like you especially us bm. Too few older bm willing to be mentors. My grandma used to say God chooses the young because they're strong and the aged because they know the way.
Thanks, man. Hey if you do the OkCupid meet & greet, let us know how it is. I've only done, never went to one specifically from a dating site. I'm on, but have never gone to one.
Will do, just sent out the email confirming I'm gonna take vacation (suicide in this business but fuck them I need it) for a week or so in July. Maybe from the 4th till whenever. Hoping I can catch some festive Canada day events (their independence day is way more fun than ours) or shoot down to DC to visit friends but definitely getting out of two for a minute
Panel discussions, book signings and the like for meeting awesome women. Seriously. And for giving you stimulating alternatives if the work environment is stifling.
You said it bro. Its the society we live in though. Worshipping at the altar of green backs. Like this trader that said his 8 million dollar bonus was too small and sued and is appealing all the way to he New York Supreme Court. You can't make this shit up with these douchebags.