And this is happening in Illinois? Their state legislation passed in the 2013 session was lauded as the most comprehensive regulatory scheme for fracking in the U.S. So much for that, huh?
Fracking isn't going on in Illinois. Mining for the sand used in fracking is going on, in towns right next to a beautiful state park. :cry: The mining companies are getting away with it, because they're going to farms in the surrounding communities and quietly buying them up so they can mine for some special type of sand that they use for fracking. They claim that the state park will not be affected, however.
Big fuss about that here a little while ago about the Gas Fracking that's going to be under peoples homes. I never realised that here you only own whats sitting on the surface Off course I'm not a total idiot, I have wondered once or twice about property that is over tunnels and what not, but I really thought they would have to be the owner of the surface to mine it.......but apparently that is not the case.
I didn't know either until the recent sell of our family farm...we sold the land but still have the mineral rights which means that if any drilling takes place and there is a hit we will receive royalties with no end in sight as they can be handed down through our family
This bill died on the last day of the 2012 veto session (which technically ended in 2013), but a version was approved later in 2013 allowing for the propagation of what they claim is such a stringent regulatory scheme for fracking. The industry is not satisfied with the speed with which DNR is enacting these rules (are they ever?), and the deadline for finishing them is supposed to be this fall. I wonder how those propagated rules impact the sand production and what this mining does for water quality. Any news?
Nope. I'll have to do some research, now that this story is out in the open. I'm sure people will be keeping a close eye on it.