18 Ugly Truths About Modern Dating That You Have To Deal With

Discussion in 'How To Meet White Women and Black Men' started by 4north1side2, Apr 7, 2014.

  1. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    need to qualify these fools before you lay with them.
    ladies: if all he has to bring to the tables is his dick then kick him to the side.

    fellas: if all she got going for her is nice ass and tits then tell her to hit the bricks.
  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Their job?
    Ladies any of you lose a job because of who you chose to date?
  3. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    yeah, thier job....they may perceive they will lose thier job or face any form of discrimination.
  4. Stizzy

    Stizzy Well-Known Member

    Much appreciated.
  5. Man. This is what I have to look forward to? It's depressing. I'm recently single after 7 years so I'm a bit rusty. I had forgotten how complicated dating can be. I think if you find a good match you won't have to endure a lot of this but finding a good match can be a tough task.
  6. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    Dude, you're like a week into the single life, don't start thinking negatively already! If you become a negative nelly, that crap will ooze out of you and trust me...it's an instant turn off to women! Get out there and chat people up. Go online and see what's out there. Don't be quick to jump into anything, don't take anyone too seriously...enjoy the single life my friend! Dating is only as hard as you make it.
  7. Thanks! Not trying to be negative. It's just that some of those things I had forgotten about. But I'm very excited and looking forward to seeing whose out there.
  8. subtlenote

    subtlenote Active Member

    Rules are for fools- many ways to change it if you want to. ;)
  9. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    yeah, look what ever you do....forgive your exwife (defend yourself in court) not so much for her but for your benefit. if you dont you will hold onto anger and it will make you bitter and depressed.
  10. Word. The one of these "rules" that bothers me the most is the one about the one caring less having all the power. I hate those mind games.
  11. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    There are no mind games associated with strange pussy, and that's what you should be thinking about. Caring and power are only relevant terms for those who subject themselves to it. So enjoy your last rendezvous of the single life. :cool:
  12. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Dude the best way not to be negative is just do you. Do what makes you happy consider no one else or their feelings. I know it's not what people want to hear but when you start considering people who don't reciprocate it builds resentment. You can't go wrong with being a little selfish fam
  13. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    Like Barry Manilow sang in "I've Made It Through The Rain,"

    "When friends are hard to find. When life seems so unkind. Sometimes you feel afraid. Just aim beyond the clouds and rise above the crowds, and start your own parade."

    Just do you own thing and don't worry about everyone else because they're doing the same thing.
  14. Satchmo

    Satchmo New Member

    I thought this thread was smart. Insightful and clever. I thought I couldn't identify and was indifferent to comment at first, but I thought about why and I think it might be that I disagree with the presumptions often present in the 'dating' stage of relationships. The fundamentals. Prior to a committed relationship, one is entitled to common decency and simple respect. Not entitled to your complete attention at your whim. Not entitled to exclusivity. Not entitled to a compromise of other priorities. At times people mistake this for playing games or disinterest. That's unfortunate.
    Sure, but the less interested party could also logically be the one less interested in playing games. It is the more interested party with the interest in making something more than it is. Deluding themselves into thinking there's a game going on. When I'm the more interested party, I try not to indulge in that ego. It's not easy, but I try to just accept he's simply not that in to me.
    As long as one remembers that just because a person doesn't respond when you want doesn't mean they're necessarily intentionally playing games. See I'm not your every five minutes all on the phone (The Roots) :cool:
    It sounds like you think this is a bad thing. I say "I'll let you know" or "maybe" often. But it's not because I'm holding out for better offers. And it has nothing to do with social media. It has everything to do with maintaining ownership of my time, with taking care of myself. I found that when I say 'yes' to every advance invitation, I only end up resenting the commitment and ultimately the person. Not because I wasn't interested, not because it didn't sound fun, not because I saw a post on facebook, but because when Friday night finally arrives I'm often tired and simply want to stay home. Say 'yes' without hesitation every time and you'll find you never work out and you're chronically hung-over.
    Flexibility is not a bad thing. You have to prioritize people. When you meet someone and go out, don’t be offended if you’re not top priority from that moment forward. Always assume they are seeing others. This is not a reflection of their interest in you. Sometimes interest grows over time. And yes, sometimes a “maybe” is because they’re not sure of their interest yet. It’s called dating.

    I've found saying "let's play it by ear" is preferable to cancelling night of. No one believes you when you cancel cause you're tired. A flat ‘no’ to invitations isn't accurate either. I am interested in you; it does sound fun. But if I don’t have time to take care of myself, I won’t feel sexy, and in that event I’m better off putting you off till next time. You won't understand, naturally. All of my girl friends (over age 30) know this catch 22 well.

    Precisely. You’re not in a committed relationship until you are. Doesn’t necessarily mean anyone is scared. Likely it’s more simple than that – they’re not interested in commitment. With you. But if it’s easier to assume the other party is ‘scared of commitment’ then go with that. I’d only suggest that before you accuse another of cheating, make sure you were listening. Is it possible he actually told you he was seeing other people numerous times?
    Great thread. I was quick to dismiss it at first; turns out I had a lot to say. Ha. :p
  15. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Fuck dating. Such an american construct;-)
  16. Satchmo

    Satchmo New Member

    heylls yeah!
  17. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

  18. satyr

    satyr New Member

    So strange.

  19. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Hell yeah!!:smt023
  20. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Like how you think

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