Why the hell isn't zimmerman behind bars, or better yet in a casket? They're making movies about this mofo? What's next a key to miami, a presidential banquet, free gas for life?
I personally don't believe this story as written. The original website doesn't cite any particular sources. Since this was supposedly back in May, I'm sure the story would be gaining steam by now if it were true. Especially considering the bizarre "quote" from 'Smith' rambling on about Hitler and slave masters, etc. I'm not buying it.
I swear I'd love to hack that motherfu*kers Zimmermans head off !!!! If Trayvon was this huge aggressive GREEN MILE black guy They made Trayvon out to be, then cowardly Zimmerman would not have dared square up to him. It’s one thing to be killed. It’s another to be killed, have your body held for days in a morgue without the police feeling the need to contact Trayvons family and on top of that have your life demonized and reduced to stereotypes by people who couldn’t even bother to get the story right. The only reason why the Trayvon / Zimmerman case got the media attention it die was because of the effort of his family and friends, along with black bloggers who kept the story on the main page. Last time I checked, black people are allowed to be upset when their children die and want the man who killed them responsible, just like white people are. Who started it ? We don’t know what either party said to escalate this meeting to violence but we do know this: Zimmerman approached Trayvon first. We learned from the tapes that someone cried for help. What’s easier to believe, a man with a gun screams for help or a youth being confronted with a gun ? Would Zimmerman have been just as scared if he saw a young white man ? I doubt it Had Zimmerman been black and Trayvon white – Black Zimmerman would be in jail. No bail and looking at life or the death penalty and that’s if he didn’t get shot down by the police on the spot. Common counter-argument 1) "Well, erm, you know, er black people kill black people all the time, y not the big fuss over that" Crime is driven by opportunism and proximity; If African-Americans are more likely to be robbed, or injured, or killed by other African-Americans, it’s because they tend to live in the same neighborhoods as each other. And of course, the reverse holds as well—whites are much more likely to live near other whites than they are to minorities and African-Americans in particular. The people who make it do not truly care about black-on-black crime. It allows the white press to determine reality, which makes it seem like Zimmerman is an exception while no one is doing anything about black-on-black crime. As it turns out, on average there is a black man is killed in Zimmerman-style shooting (armed security person or vigilante) once every 28 hours. http://www.alternet.org/news-amp-po...ice-or-vigilantes-america-perpetually-war-its Trayvon Martin is just what made the papers. His case is hardly the worst nor the only one to get protests. Likewise, there is plenty being done about black-on-black crime, like by the Nation of Islam, but the white press is not particularly interested in reporting that either. In the case of Trayvon Martin, the argument misses the point that the crying injustice was not that he was killed by someone not black, but that the police, and now the courts, let his killer get away with it, due in part to the racism of a white justice system. As far as Will Smith doing this movie ? Hmm. I'd prefer someone like Spike Lee, someone with a proven history of making black movies, but fair enough I can't not judge as I have not seen the movie, nor has it even been made. I think that black people in America need to go buy guns and take these weapons and self defense courses and if a large number of black people bought guns legally and carried permits. I bet you any amount of money, that the NRA would lobby Congress and gun laws faster than you can change your underwear. My advice to the Trayvon family is to 1) Sue the Neighborhood Watch Organization (The National Branch - Zimmerman went way overboard in the watch captain’s responsibilities) 2) Sue the Homeowner’s Association of the condo where Trayvon was killed (There had been complaints about Zimmerman’s behaviour as the Neighborhood watch captain) 3) Sue the Sandford Police (more like clown) department. 4) Sue ole Georgie himself (his parents seem to like going in behind and cleaning up his mess. Let them fix this one. Not that any amount of money is going to take away the pain of losing Trayvon. It won’t. But this is the only way they can (legally) strike back.
Interesting casting choices but I don't know if this story is real. It's totally believable Will Smith is doing everything he can to make his son a H'wood star.lol