Physique vs mouthpiece: What gets the ladies?

Discussion in 'The Attraction Between White Women and Black Men' started by 4north1side2, Jun 2, 2014.

  1. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Your posts up until this one kept pushing the bs that it all came down to confidence looks be damned. BTW if you're in shape have your finances in order and have a good personality you are far above average. Like said before if you don't fit into a woman's category of what she likes you don't exist you're virtually invisible.
  2. Stizzy

    Stizzy Well-Known Member

    But you have a problem keeping one (reading your post there's a different woman every year). Which is just as bad. I'm done with this thread fam. No harm done, none taken. Enjoy.
  3. MixedCalifornian

    MixedCalifornian Active Member

    Truth be told I can relate and TDK just happens to be dating in NYC. :p I have problems keeping someone to. I just don't post my drama on here, because partly people wont believe it, and partly, because I know I will get clowned on.

    I also got the impression everyone was suggesting that looks didn't matter, and just confidence/charm/personality. Was all one needed that was the impression I was getting also.
  4. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Lol and how is that different most people in general. With the exception of a couple married people on here most folks have a different person in their life yearly.
  5. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    1. I never said it was "all confidence, looks be damned". Those are your words, I said from the beginning, "ok looks with a good personality" should have a person set.

    2. Being in shape and paying your damn bills each month IS average lol. You don't get extra points in my book for doing what you should do as an adult.

    Stizzy and I talk about how easy this shit is, because it is! When people have the basics lined up in life, finding a quality mate isn't generally an issue, at least not from what I've experienced.
  6. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    naw, we keep saying over and over.....looks get the womans attention....the convo gets them home.
  7. Stizzy

    Stizzy Well-Known Member

    I'm done fam. No respect lost homie.
  8. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Yeah that's what I got from all the mouthpiece and confidence talk until you injected some reality onto the conversation
  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    And like I said you're viewing life from you're own privilege. You act like a lot of us talking on the other side of this can't find decent people. I just recognize that I have things going for me that not every person has. You seem to think its so simple and easy for everyone because it's simple and easy for you. Just because dunking is easy for you at 6'5 don't mean it's easy for me at 5'8
  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Fair enough. Stay excellent my friend
  11. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    lol....bullshit. your lying ass...or are you playing dumb?
  12. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Until I see PROOF that you've ever gotten a woman in your life especially a ww then forever hold your peace sir
  13. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    lol.....that fourth grade bs...proves my point
    you were lying about what we were saying.

    mofo gotta run around to his boys showing pics....damn.

    just like that cartoonist from the other thread said...i dated women to impress my friends.

    mofo screaming "look look i got a woman. i got a woman. look at the pic. im sitting next to her. this pic she let me hold her hand for 10 seconds"

    not a good look...not a good look.

    time to evolve to busy trying to impress folks instead of finding a good woman
  14. Nikkers

    Nikkers Well-Known Member

    True, for me. But not for all women.... and it's the same for the men most of the time too. A woman that doesn't fit what a man likes, she's virtually invisible as well.

    Like I say at work all the time, "It's not about how we're selling something, it's about how others buy". Same thing goes for sex/ dating. Doesn't matter what we have, it depends on what others are looking for, and how they look for it.
  15. Athena

    Athena New Member

  16. Cherok33

    Cherok33 Well-Known Member

    FTR, the last guy I dated was 5'10"...I didn't finally agree to go out with him based on his looks (I wasn't initially physically attracted to him). I went out with him based off his approach, the connection he established with me based off of the things we had in common. We chatted back n forth via email (he worked in my building) for a few weeks before I gave him my number and agreed to go out with him. The date went very well, convo was good, and at the end of the night I still remember how he left me...he said "I will make you so happy" and gave me a kiss goodnight. Even now, I look at him and while he's not the most attractive guy I've dated, I dated him for over a year because he intellectually stimulated me. I was attracted to the way he treated me and his personality.

    I guess as you get older, you learn that building a meaningful relationship with anyone goes WAY BEYOND physical appearance. I've been there and done that...I am ready for something deeper.

    A man who exudes confidence, who is funny, takes care of himself and cares about his appearance, has a charming personality and treats others well...THESE are the very first things I notice. Those are the qualities that will get him past that first door and onto the getting to know you better phase where you begin to learn whether he has his shit together financially, takes care of his responsibilities (children, job, etc.), whether he is God fearing...

    It really does go way beyond superficial. At least for me.
  17. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    you dont need to go deep. they just stirring up shit. nobody can be that dumb.....
    if he truly believe good convo is not needed just looks then he should walk up to a female say nothing and pull his dick and she will blow him...see how that works out.
  18. Stizzy

    Stizzy Well-Known Member

    I dig the avi, it's cute....
  19. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    I've seen and known too many random, not rich, not beautiful, not built looking dudes with genuinely attractive women on their arms to think women choose a mate the same way men do.

    A man will fuck with a woman no matter what her personality is if she's PRETTY. Maybe not long term, but he will date her for a few months before things go sideways.

    Women on the other hand are moved and attracted by way more than looks and bankroll when it comes to a man.

    No offense TDK, but based on how you represent on this board I can imagine IRL you can come across to the opposite sex as (somewhat) presumptuous, condescending, arrogant, cynical and self-absorbed.

    I'm not saying I think you're a bad dude because I don't, but I do think you come across like, "Yall should check the words coming out my mouth because only I KNOW what's up....and shit in the world is FUCKED!!!"

    If I'm right and this partially reflects your vibe to women in your day to day, then hell yes it would help to be rich and phine. Chicks will put up with a funky personality if there's a body and face to make them ignore the rest for a

    It's hard to pull women if you're constantly, intentionally or not, giving off negativity.

    About average dudes pulling hotties....!

    On YT sometimes I'll check out a female's makeup advice channel just cause the woman is drop dead stunning.

    There's this young chick who's got a moderately popular makeup, clothing and hairstyle channel from NYC who IMO has one of THE most beautiful faces I've ever seen. So pretty I can turn off the sound and still watch her vids!!lol


    This chick is as phine as any NBA or NFL baller's sidepiece, as any chick you will ever see. Pretty to the point of being distracting. She's the kind of girl who probably gets hit on at least 20-30x every time she leaves the house.

    Anyway one day she posts of vid of her fiancee. Not a rich dude. Not freakishly handsome. Not famous. Not an athlete. Just A GUY.

    And she loves him to death.


    Yes they met on MySpace(corny!!) after initially exchanging pics, but they connected IMO because of their personalities.

    Even beautiful girls can appreciate a REAL dude. The kid got this dymepiece because IMO he came honest with her and was confident in who he was, good or bad.

    That's why this cat can lightheartedly clown this girl about her morning bad breath and it's all good.

    I see couples like this literally all the time, a cute or very pretty girl with a dude who makes me think, 'why him?'

    With women it still comes down to communication and connection more than looks.

    Men typically are way more superficial in what they seek in a partner than the opposite sex is.

    Finally dude says he got this chick(now his wife) because he's a combination of confidence and humility.

    That's an extremely cherished combo in any partner and one that women truly value in a man.

    It's still about how you wear YOU that gets females. There is no cookie cutter type that attracts all women.
  20. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Negro quit talking for me, you're the one who believes it's all about your "mouthpiece" like personality is all you need. Confidence confidence confidence right? Confidence without a strong foundation, something to be confident in, is empty arrogance. I'll continue with my approach and you continue with yours.

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